hidden: overflowing content will be hidden. scroll: similar to hidden except users will be able to scroll through the hidden content. clip: content is clipped when it proceeds outside its box. This can be used withoverflow-clip-marginto set the clipped area. auto: if the content proceeds o...
【修改后】在父组件添加.clip(true)即可 @Entry @Component struct Page149 { build() { Column() { Stack() { Image($r('app.media.icon')).width('100%').height('100%').enableAnalyzer(true) }.width('300lpx').height('300lpx').borderRadius(100).clip(true) } .width('100%') .height...
stackoverflow#14718319:Why does overflow-x: hidden make my absolutely positioned element become fixed? スマホでは状況が違う 画面B, Cでスクロールしないのなら、冒頭の問いに戻って、 横スクロールを防止するために なぜhtmlとbodyの両方に"overflow-x: hidden"を設定する必要があるのでしょう...
【修改后】在父组件添加.clip(true)即可 @Entry @Component struct Page149 { build() { Column() { Stack() { Image($r('app.media.icon')).width('100%').height('100%').enableAnalyzer(true) }.width('300lpx').height('300lpx').borderRadius(100).clip(true) } .width('100%') .height...