在Windows 8/8.1/10 设备上使用OverDrive从图书馆借阅电子书、有声读物和流媒体视频。全球有3万多家图书馆通过OverDrive提供出版物,现在就下载应用程序,找到您的下一本图书!• 图书馆现在近在咫尺,可全天候使用。• 不必再担心滞纳金。出版物会自动归还。•
On Android, Fire tablets, Chromebook, and iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod touch): Tap the menu icon in the top-left corner of the app to open the Home menu, then tap Bookshelf. On Windows 8/10: Click or tap the Back arrow in the top-left corner of the appuntil you return to the Bookshel...
Overdrive has been distributing their Libby app via theMicrosoft Storefor Windows 10 since the OS launched. People were able to listen to audiobooks and read ebooks on their computer or tablet, such as the Microsoft Surface. Overdrive has discontinued their Windows app and it is no longer ava...
The most popular way to use Libby is in its mobile app form, on either Android or iOS. However, you can also useLibbyin a Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge web browser. You can also downloadLibby on the Microsoft Storeif you have a Windows device. Or, you cango to the Ov...
Boost #3 | OneDrive mobile app (Windows, iOS & Android) Our top-rated mobile apps give people access to files while on the go - including capture scans, photos and documents from the world around them. Use the Office mobile apps to stay productive and work together, no matter where...
面向图书馆的美国有声书借阅模式——以OverDrive为例 |