Met de Overcooked! 2: Gourmet-editie smul je van meerdere gangen chaotisch kookplezier. Je krijgt de basisgame en alle DLC's van Overcooked! 2. Kook in je eentje of met vrienden op je reis door het Uienrijk en leer in 130 spetterende levels meer dan
Overcooked 2: Gourmet Edition incluye todos los niveles del divertido y caótico Overcooked 2, más el contenido descargable. Cocina en solitario o con amigos, recorre el Reino de la Cebolla y domina más de 20 recetas a lo largo de 130 refrescantes n
2 - Gourmet Edition은 혼돈의 요리 세계를 빠짐없이 즐길 수 있도록 Overcooked! 2의 기본 게임과 모든 DLC를 제공합니다.혼자 또는 친구들과 함께 요리하며 양파 왕국을 탐험하고, 다양한 130...
《Overcooked! 2 - Gourmet Edition》包含《Overcooked! 2》主遊戲和所有的可下載內容,將帶給玩家各種手忙腳亂的烹飪樂趣。 在環遊洋蔥王國的旅途中,你可以獨自掌廚或與朋友合作烹煮,從 130 道滋滋作響的關卡中掌握 20 種以上的食譜。 《Overcooked! 2》 重返洋蔥王國
The Overcooked 2 Gourmet Edition gives players every course of chaotic cooking fun with the Overcooked 2 base game and all DLCs. Cook alone or with friends as you travel through the onion kingdom and master over 20 recipes across 130 sizzling levels.
2 - Carnival of Chaos HK$39.00 描述 Overcooked! 2 - Gourmet Edition The Overcooked! 2 Gourmet Edition gives players every course of award-winning chaotic cooking fun with the Overcooked! 2 base game, all DLCs, updates and chef packs. Overcooked! 2 Journey back to the Onion Kingdom and ...
2 - Carnival of Chaos HK$39.00 描述 Overcooked! 2 - Gourmet Edition The Overcooked! 2 Gourmet Edition gives players every course of award-winning chaotic cooking fun with the Overcooked! 2 base game, all DLCs, updates and chef packs. Overcooked! 2 Journey back to the Onion Kingdom and...
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以80% 折扣的价格在PlayStation Store区官方商店中购买 Overcooked! 2 - Gourmet Edition (日语, 韩语, 简体中文, 英语)