Get 3 stars on every level in World 3 2 guides Too Many Cooks Unlock all the chefs 1 guide If You Can't Stand the Heat Extinguish a burning kitchen 2 guides And Suet Begins Complete the tutorial level 2 guides Dinner Party Posse
Automatic story-related unlock. Cannot be missed. Both Overcooked and Overcooked 2 have introductory tutorial levels. These are unmissable and need to be completed to further access the story. You can unlock this trophy immediately if you want, without continuing the story after. If you so prefer...
Get 3 stars on every level in World 3 Too Many Cooks Too Many Cooks Unlock all the chefs Unlock all the chefs If You Can't Stand the Heat If You Can't Stand the Heat Extinguish a burning kitchen Extinguish a burning kitchen And Suet Begins And Suet Begins Complete the tutorial level ...