2: Gourmet EditionAu menu d'Overcooked! 2 Gourmet Edition figurent l'intégralité des plaisirs de ce jeu d'action culinaire chaotique encensé par la critique, avec le jeu de base Overcooked! 2 assorti de tous les contenus téléchargeables, mises à jour et packs de chefs. Overcooked! 2...
《Overcooked! 2 - Gourmet Edition》包含《Overcooked! 2》主遊戲和所有的可下載內容,將帶給玩家各種手忙腳亂的烹飪樂趣。 在環遊洋蔥王國的旅途中,你可以獨自掌廚或與朋友合作烹煮,從 130 道滋滋作響的關卡中掌握 20 種以上的食譜。 《Overcooked! 2》 重返洋蔥王國
2」才能使用此商品。 含有此商品的組合商品 Overcooked! 2 - Gourmet Edition 減80% HKD 70 HKD 354 Overcooked! 2 - Additional Content Bundle HKD 130 聚在營火周圍,體驗更多《Overcooked! 2》內容! 跋涉穿越Onion Kingdom(洋蔥王國)的森林,露營狂歡的時候到了!這次的陣容除了Kevin和Onion King(洋蔥國王),...
and plenty of laughter-beckoning blunders. The online play doesn’t quite offer this same charm, nor the ability to talk directly with one another on the Switch version, despite being enjoyable in its own right. Thus, despite this newly included online multiplayer feature, couch co-op still ...
Overcooked! + Overcooked! 2 $8.74$34.99 InfoBuy Overcooked! 2 - Gourmet Edition $48.49 InfoBuy Purchasing through these links may earn us a small commission. For more information, check out ouraffiliate policy. Latest Popular Vote now for February 2024's TA Playlist game ...
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我没有找这个美食家版本..现在2最便宜的就是加拿大了 一学习就头晕 美食家版本我看只有港服的价格,哎前几天错过折扣价 赞 回复 somewhere 2021-01-17 21:20:49 我今天在美区买了美食家版本,搜索的Overcooked! 2 - Gourmet Edition 赞(1) 回复 hazel (眼內有塵三界窄,心上無事一床寬) 2021-01...
2: Gourmet Edition》包含《Overcooked! 2》主游戏、所有的可下载内容、更新项目以及大厨包,将为玩家带来屡获殊荣的混乱烹饪乐趣。 《Overcooked! 2》 重返洋葱王国,集结你的大厨团队,游玩经典的本地多人模式或至多四名玩家的在线模式。快穿上你的围裙... 是时候 (再一次) 拯救这个世界了!" 《Surf 'n' Turf...
CONSCRIPT DREDGE Coming Soon Sworn Golf With Your Friends Overcooked! All You Can Eat Coming Soon Golf With Your Friends 2 Worms Armageddon: Anniversary Edition CONSCRIPT DREDGE Coming Soon Sworn Golf With Your Friends Overcooked! All You Can Eat...
Overcooked 2: Gourmet Edition Review (Switch eShop) A full course meal Version Reviewed: North American review by Mitch Vogel Tue 14th Apr 2020 Share: 8 Captured on Nintendo Switch (Docked) After nearly two years of regular post-launch support, it seems that Team17 and Ghost Town Games are...