Overcooked! 2 DLC 與附加內容 CN¥10 新增至購物車 新增至願望清單 CN¥20 新增至購物車 新增至願望清單 CN¥34 新增至購物車 新增至願望清單 追蹤我們 Epic 玩家評分 擷取自 Epic Games 生態系的玩家。 這款遊戲 很適合新手 這款遊戲 適合快速遊玩 ...
其他品牌或产品名称是其各自所有者的商标。我们的网站可能会包含链接至由第三方运营的其他网站与资源。 这些链接仅为方便您使用而提供。 Epic Games 对这些网站或资源的内容没有控制权,也不会对因为您使用这些网站和资源而造成的损失或伤害负责。
The zany, couch co-op cooking game, Overcooked, is now available as a free download until July 11 on the Epic Games Store.
购物链接(请复制下面网址到浏览器打开) http://www.ozdazhe.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=172075
To claim a copy, simply head on over tothe Epic Games Store, sign up for an account or log into an existing one, and add the game to your library. Once added, the game is yours to keep forever. The game will be free to download until July 11th and was originally released in 2016...
Epic Games gives away games weekly on its platform. It’s been going on since 2019. As part ofits Mega Sale, Epic Games has been giving away hugely popular games for free. This is the last week of the Mega Sale, which ends on June 11. Free games aside, the Mega Sale is also allo...
《Overcooked!2》- Carnival of Chaos 现已开放购买,所有购买了《Overcooked!2》Season Pass 的玩家将可免费获取。 附加内容 ¥20 立即购买 加入购物车 添至愿望清单 Epic 奖励 返利5% 退款类型 可退款 开发商 Ghost Town Games and Team17 Digital Ltd ...
Owners of a PS4™ disc copy must insert it into the PS5™ every time they want to download or play the PS5™ digital version. PS4™ game disc owners who buy the PS5™ Digital Edition disc-free console will not be able to get the PS5™ version at no extra cost....
根据 Epic Games Store 每周免费赠送 游戏 内容宣布,下周开始他们将会免费赠送友情破坏 游戏 《Overcooked》,预定将在7月4日开放至7月11日,本作将支援四人在线游玩,同时拥有四个朋友的玩家不妨一起下载来胡闹一下吧,生活依然要过,但和损友们一起胡闹的日子也一定要有。《Overcooked》是一款乱作一...
《Overcooked! 2》是一款烹饪模拟游戏。玩家可通过这款游戏与多人合作或多角控制,每次可以多达 4 人一起进行混乱烹调动作游戏。在游戏中,扮演的厨师的玩家需要赶在饥饿的客人变得不耐烦之前,把烹调好的各款料理尽快送出。相比初代加入新的投掷机制,可以将材料扔给其他厨师,或者是直接扔进锅里、地板上。游戏新增...