Men are likened to trees in Scripture and the carnal mind is symbolized by the same wood that must be devoured by the Word of God we are so blessed to be able to hear now in this age. Jer 5:14 Wherefore thus saith the LORD God of hosts, Because ye speak this word, behold, I wi...
One of my favorite examples of patience comes from The Book of Mormon. The scripture inMosiah chapter 23says Alma and the Nephites who followed him “fled eight days’ journey into the wilderness” to escape from the armies of King Noah, who wanted to kill them because they had different r...
Examples of Greed in Scripture:The Bible provides several examples of individuals whose greed led to their downfall. One notable example is Achan, whose covetousness led him to take forbidden items during the conquest of Jericho, resulting in his death and the defeat of Israel (Joshua 7)....
1. Prepare Your Heart.The Bible confronts the issue of lust with a straightforward approach. Jesus taught in Matthew 5:28, “But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Jesus’ words emphasize that the battle against lust ...
It has been extraordinary to share with you as I journeyed to a greater level of healing from pains of the past. It is deep joy that I move forward on my journey to love. I’m taking the elevator to a new website with brand new products and services. I’ve been my case study, ...
eternal residence with the God of the universe, and Jesus will return to usher in the new heaven, but scripture is clear that once someone becomes a believer, they become God’s home here on earth, in the present. Believers have the Spirit of God living in them; a profound and life ch...
False-god methods often focus on emptying your mind so other thoughts can come. Any method short on direct Scripture and long on other words or sounds is suspect. That includes much of past and present popular, so-called “Christian” music, and some forms called “soaking.” Sing the ...
I find great comfort in Isaiah scripture these days. I definitely need God’s Firm Grip! More fun picture from our treat and crepe day. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We feel it on the best and worst days. Love the Woods...
I need spiritual healing, yes. But studying scripture, praying, repenting for a relapse, and confessing to my bishop is not enough. I need physical health, true. But exercising, eating healthy, and having a healthy sex life with my spouse is not enough (also, the latter being an option ...
"ScripturetakenfromtheNEWAMERICANSTANDARDBIBLE®, ©Copyright1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995byTheLockmanFoundation Usedbypermission."(.Lockman) OvercomingGuilt Introduction 1.OneoftheproblemsoftheChristianlifeisguilt. a.Christians,ofallpeople,shouldbefreeofguilt(Eph.1:13),but...