It’s always going to be a struggle for me, to find my way out of the sinking sand, but relying on the wrong crutches to help me walk is never going to bring me back to the top. I have to hold on to my King, who can defeat the ashes of depression and suicidal thoughts. He d...
During that wait time, the exhaustion and unhappiness I felt after my battle with cancer turned into full blown depression, so thick and black I couldn’t pray, think or exercise it away. I hit critical mass. Through intervention and prayer, I learned that everything I had been experiencin...
Over the past year and a half, pain has entered my life in new forms. My former wife chose to divorce me after nearly ten years of marriage. My time with my children was reduced from daily to most weekends. My proximity to family went from two miles to nearly eight hundred miles. Rel...
Ginita Wall, were two of the nation’s greatest advocates in helping women become financially literate. They had also been running a workshop called “Second Saturday: What Every Women Needs to Know About Divorce” for almost twenty-five years. ...
After I started focusing more on entrepreneurship, I began meeting peoplemaking millions a year. But they seem to have even more issues than the six-figure crowd! One went through his third divorce. Another is constantly annoyed at dealing with HR issues given he's the big boss. Yet another...
If you are dealing with anger, stress, or depression, we have information to help you. We have phone helplines, website links, and YouTube videos. You can learn more about us, our goals, and our purpose. If you have a drug/alcohol problem or want to get right with God, you are ...
If you're struggling with depression, anxiety or your general mental health, these seven candid survival stories may help. More on
Key Insights and A-HAs: Self-trust is essential—without it, fear and doubt take over, making decisions more difficult. Over-personalizing situations, such as a partner’s actions after a breakup, can create unnecessary emotional weight. When we regret past choices, we often idealize the past...
Recognizing the symptoms of the Imposter Syndrome is not difficult, but there is no quick fix when feelings of anxiety or depression arise, along with the sense that someone is not good enough to succeed. The syndrome describes an accumulation of insecurities, which is a trap waiting for high...
Mainland Chinese grow up in a nation with Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism as their cultural heritage, and are educated with atheism, materialism, and scientism in contemporary China. However, the high rate of conversion to Christianity among Chinese im