Did you try MSIAfterburner, it works for both Nvida and AMD gpu's and reportedly you can use to under or over clock with it. I use it to manage the fans in my machines, not to over or under clock though. Version 4.20 is the latest, as of yesterday, stable release version. You ...
watchcat/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/amdgpu_pm_info While that’s running, open a game or one of theUnigine benchmarks. Run through and watch the terminal output. You should see that both the clock speed and the memory are operating higher than the factory specifications. Be sure to watch th...
watchcat/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/amdgpu_pm_info While that’s running, open a game or one of theUnigine benchmarks. Run through and watch the terminal output. You should see that both the clock speed and the memory are operating higher than the factory specifications. Be sure to watch th...
According to AMD Specs on your Pro 4750g it is locked as far as overclocking goes: https://www.amd.com/en/products/apu/amd-ryzen-7-pro-4750g But you can change the TDP Rating to a higher TDP if it is set at 45 watts in BIOS. If you change it to 65 Watts it should be more...
For the detailed instructions for how to safely overclock GPU NVIDIA/AMD, you can refer:How to Safely Overclock Your GPU to Gain FPS. Microsoft Windows 11 Review: Everything You Need to Know A review of Microsoft new Windows 11 OS. Check Windows 11 minimum system requirements, how to downlo...
Every time I try to overclock my GPU, a 7800xt, after restarting, they have been reset with the error message: "Default performance tuning settings have been restored due to an unexpected system failure." by the AMD Software. Now I have tried a lot of fixes already, disabling fast...
Part of this performance boost is seen viaVRAMoverclocking, which is frequently regarded as part of the overclocking process and not specifically referenced. To avoid confusion, we’ll stick to referring to the entire procedure as GPU overclocking. ...
Fazer o overclock da GPU significa aumentar a velocidade de sua placa de vídeo além das configurações padrão para obter taxas de quadros mais altas e desempenho mais suave em jogos, renderização de multimídia e outras tarefas com uso intensivo de gráficos. Toda placa de víd...
Fazer o overclock da GPU significa aumentar a velocidade de sua placa de vídeo além das configurações padrão para obter taxas de quadros mais altas e desempenho mais suave em jogos, renderização de multimídia e outras tarefas com uso intensivo de gráficos. Toda placa de víd...
An amdconfig utility requires a running X11 server and X11 kept configuration to be working correctly. Thus, this program ease overclocking of Radeon GPU's under console environment (in SSH or Linux console). Nevertheless, this program can works under X11 environment. WARNING This program changes...