The train ran over the poor fellow as he was crossing the line. 当他正要走过去时,火车从这个可怜的人身上碾过去了。 4. With complete disregard for his own life, Corpsman Grant ran over to me, even though the sniper was still trying to pick off other targets. 尽管狙击手...
Synonyms for RAN (OVER): visited, stopped (by or in), ran in, dropped in, popped (in), dropped by, stepped in, came over, called, came by
✨时装周Day2️⃣ New ooo Neutral & OVER RANGE 连看两场,是完全不同的风格🌌🩶 #上海时装周##美丽觉醒计划##不被定义的美丽#
AlthoughtheRANproject is officiallyover,theparticipating companies are continuing to resolve the barriers that make it difficult to operate RFID across the automotive industry. 尽管项目已经正式结束,但是参与的所有组织都在继续开发和解决这一应用面临的各种技术难题,希望早日实现汽车行业 ...
Define ran over. ran over synonyms, ran over pronunciation, ran over translation, English dictionary definition of ran over. v. ran , run , run·ning , runs v. intr. 1. a. To move swiftly on foot so that both or all feet are not on the ground during each
ran into 撞上,撞到,偶遇 ran over 撞倒,匆匆看,(水)溢出 ran to 跑向 ...|基于5个网页 2. 辗过|基于2个网页 3. 温习 现代英语语法试卷笔记-自考英语-考试吧 ... ran down: 停止衰弱 ran over: 温习 ran through: 匆匆看过 ...|基于2个网页...
run over verb 1 a :overflowentry1sense 2 b :overflowentry1sense 3 2 :to go beyond a limit the show mayrun overa minute or two 3 :to go over or rehearse quickly let'srun overthose lines again 4 :to collide with, knock down, and often drive over ...
必应词典为您提供ranover.的释义,网络释义: 溢出;辗过;温习;
Rail Company Told to Tighten Safety; RAILWAYS: Train Over-Ran Danger Signal by Half a MileA RAIL company has been ordered to tighten safety procedures after a train ran half a mile past a red signal.Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)