over-anxious 英['əʊvər'æŋkʃəs] 美['oʊvər'æŋkʃəs] 释义 adj. 过分渴望的 实用场景例句 全部 Tony looked tired andover-anxious. 托尼看起来很疲惫而且过分焦虑。 柯林斯例句 He is over anxious. 他太焦急了....
over-anxious中文翻译 过分渴望的 over-anxious是什么意思 网络 过分渴望的; 过度焦虑词组短语 1.over anxious 过分焦虑 2.over-anxious over-eager over-cautious over-confident 过于用法例句 1. Tony looked tired and over-anxious. 托尼看起来累了而且过于忧虑。 2. She was over-anxious to do her job ...
over-anxious (adj.) 1713, from over- + anxious. Related:Overanxiously;overanxiousness. 例句和用法 1. Tony looked tired andover-anxious. 托尼看起来累了而且过于忧虑。 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》 2. She wasover-anxiousto do her job well. ...
over-anxious 心重() 也可见: anxious— 焦 · 忧心 · 急于 · 焦急 · 担心 · 心焦 · 惶惶 · 懊憹 · 蛩 · 喉急 · 怫 · 顼 · 惴 · 盱 · 猴急 · 懆 · 情急 · 热锅上的蚂蚁 · 忧悒 · 揪心 · 烦乱 anxious形—
网络释义 1. 过分焦虑 over的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典 ... hand over the money 交钱over anxious过分焦虑be over careful 过分细心 ... www.chinabaike.com|基于14个网页 2. 过度忧虑 翻译词典... ... 10 metres and a bit 十米多一点.over anxious过度忧虑. over polite 太客气. ... ...
1. 过分渴望的 Crossing Over_搜索_互动百科 ... over-sensitive_ 过于敏感的 ...over-anxious_过分渴望的... over-react_ 反应过度强烈 ... ... www.baike.com|基于16个网页 2. 过度焦虑 38、心理障碍是指影响个体正常行为和活动效能的心理因素或心理状态.中学生中常见的心理障碍主要有以下几种.1.过度焦...
over anxious adj. 过分渴望的 anxious a. 1.忧虑的,担忧的,不安的 2.引起忧虑的,令人担心的 3.渴望某事物,急切想要某事物 over adv. 1. 从直立位置向外和向下 2. 从一边到另一边 3. 穿过, 横过(街道、开阔地等) 4. 再, 又 5. 剩余,余下 6. 加上,…多 7. 结束, 完结 8. 表示转 OVE...
1. Tony looked tired and over-anxious. 托尼看起来累了而且过于忧虑。 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》 2. She was over-anxious to do her job well. 她过分担心要把工作做好。 youdao 3. However, in just a few years facts proved that the scholar was over-anxious. 但没过多少年,事实证明这位学者是...
over-anxious adj.过分渴望的相关短语 G.A. adj. 共同海损理算人 general average adjuster的简写。见average adjuster. vaulting (adj) 跳跃的,跳过的 still ADJ 静止图像调整,静止图像调整 adjust (ADJ) 校正 still image adjustment switch (S ADJ SW ) 静像调整开关 waist (收敛部分) 光束腰 wet screening...
1. Tony looked tired and over-anxious. 托尼看起来累了而且过于忧虑。 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》 2. She was over-anxious to do her job well. 她过分担心要把工作做好。 youdao 3. However, in just a few years facts proved that the scholar was over-anxious. 但没过多少年,事实证明这位学者是...