The film, which is currently in production, follows Darla (Snow), a cynical reporter whose sex addiction is getting in the way of her sex column, and her evolving relationship with Bailey, a well-meaning sweetheart who’s been dumped by his fiancé and learns he has testicular cancer (again...
In the "te-IN" culture (Telugu in India), groups have 3 digits and then 2 digits. The number 1000000 (one million) is written as "10,00,000". Some cultures do not group numbers at all. There are four main types of number formatting: ...
In this example, the neutral Hebrew culture "he" is given top priority (an unspecified quality is equal to 1). If that language is not an exact match for any of the cultures available in Globalize.cultures, then "es" is the next highest priority with 0.5, etc. If none of these match...
A Telugu film professional, Yamini was the perfect person for us to inflict this movie upon. The movie in question 2013’s CHENNAI EXPRESS starring Shahrukh… Read More »Ep 98- Chennai Express ft @pappuchaaruEp 97- Toofan, Sandeep Aur Pinky Trailers and Bombay Begums by admin Episode 97...
The rules between cultures can vary a lot. For example, in some cultures, the grouping of numbers is done unevenly. In the "te-IN" culture (Telugu in India), groups have 3 digits and then 2 digits. The number 1000000 (one million) is written as "10,00,000". Some cultures do not...
In the "te-IN" culture (Telugu in India), groups have 3 digits and then 2 digits. The number 1000000 (one million) is written as "10,00,000". Some cultures do not group numbers at all. There are four main types of number formatting: ...
Hindi was the main language of the interviews/discussions in Haryana, while in Telangana, some of the interviews were conducted in Hindi and some were conducted in Telugu and later translated into Hindi or English with the help of a language translator. In concurrence with ethics considerations, ...