MarketsWiki Statistics ++++ Lead Stories Jane Street, Jump Pull Back Crypto Trading Over US Regulatory Uncertainty; Regulatory uncertainty has made the business more difficult; Scrutiny intensified in the wake of the FTX, TerraUSD failures Katherine Doherty and Yueqi Yang – Bloomberg Jane Street ...
Quote: Originally Posted byRobM imo, He's making a play. On one hand he's talking himself up by seeming to speak on behalf of AAPL shareholders and what benefit his wizard scheme could do for them. OTOH Gree...
China’s Top Medical Advisor Says Omicron No More Dangerous Than The Flu Reply Matt 12/10/2022 • David is a very patient man! I remember when the Silver Manifesto came out. I bought ...
I stopped reading at “fascist” because the generally used definition of fascism today is “anyone who doesn’t see things my way”. It has become a term of abuse and manipulation, nothing more, and when I see it used with such easy facility, then, to quote an actual fascist, I reach...
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says, “We’ve been printing massive amounts of dollars, and if you look at all the things we did to stop high sp
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) Biblical cycle timing expert, geopolitical and financial analyst Bo Polny has made many spot-on predictions, but none as critical to America’s future as the overturning of the historic abortion Sup