The article discusses polling data that suggest Democrats benefit from a new U.S. mandate concerning mandatory insurance coverage for contraceptives by framing the issue as a matter of health, while Republicans can gain by emphasizing aspects of the measure that concern abortion and religion.Wall ...
over the counter Fig.[of medication bought or sold] without a prescription. (Hyphenated when prenominal. See also under the counter.)This is a good product. You can buy it over the counter. I don't put much trust in over-the-counter medications. ...
Housewives' depression: the debate over abortion and birth control in the 1930's Brookes, Barbara "Housewives' Depression - The Debate over Abortion and Birth Control in the 1930s", NZJH Vol.15 No.2 (1981)Barbara Brookes, `Reproductive Rights: The Debate over Abortion and Birth Control in ...
The pharmacy did offer birth control but the pharmacist did not consider Plan B birth control. So, with Plan B mired in the abortion debate, the FDA advisory committee took its vote on recommending whether it should be sold over the counter. Dr. Hager voted "no." But his colleagues on t...
“I think once again Speaker Tillis doesn’t understand the needs of women,” Hagan said. “The fact that he supports the Hobby Lobby decision that does allow an employer to deny access to birth control for their employees. I would certainly support over the counter contraception but I want...
J Rema assumed charge as the new director of ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research Kozhikode on January 14 following the direction of Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Prior to her appointment as the new director of the Institute she was serving as the head of the Division of Crop ...
Some might say Alan, you are not a woman and not your right to debate, I say they are wrong. We are living in a society of inversion of reality by an IMF Central Banking PEDOCRACY that has slowly been reshaping reality for centuries and aggressively for the last 200 years. ( 8 ...
At least 99.9% of physicists believe the theory of gravity, and the heliocentric model of the solar system. The debate is over. There is no doubt that we can send a manned (and woman-ed) mission to Mars. Some “skeptics” say it can’t be done. They are...
Before the debate could progress, an alarm sounded—Null Sector was attacking Busan, with thousands of omnics being deployed by drop pods from a command ship. MEKA Squad was deployed to repel them. Song requested permission to attack the ship directly, but Myung refused, instead ordering the ...
This article, “The Debate over Neutering” is likely to be the most controversial aspect of Natural Dog Training, but it is the inescapable conclusion of the belief that dogs are social by nature.