Over My Head (Cable Car) - The Fray - "How to Save a Life" Capo on first fret. Note ? I took erk584?s tabbing and fixed a few mistakes. Verse 1: I nCever knew I neEmver knew that evDerything was fCalling through That eveEmryone I knDew was waiting oCn a queue To...
While no one would bat an eye on what Mahomes body would like if he wasn't an athlete is seems that with his inspiring speech Mahomes has rallied pro-dad bod enthusiasts. Seeing an athlete with just a belly hasn't done much for my mental health but it is nice to see Mahomes know ...
My next-door neighbor and I were fellow hobbyists, and we often supported each others search for long-lost ancestors. We would spend hours pouring over stacks of dusty country records, wandering through poison-ivy strewn graveyards, and getting lost on back lanes trying to find the homes of ...