9. To steal the contents of: My pocket was picked. 10. To open (a lock) without the use of a key. 11. To provoke: pick a fight. 12. Music a. To pluck (an instrument's strings). b. To play (an instrument) by plucking its strings. c. To play (a tune) in this manner:...
or changeover, to digital teaching formats through a variety of examples—and even to help organize people. As Kolb points out in her chapter, digital art teaching is possible and not second best, even if, and especially because, the body is not involved in the ...
it creates pressure. i’ve seen a musician argue that we wouldn’t have had radiohead if they had to come up in the tiktok era. thom yorke’s an unusual dude. i don’t think he would’ve been down to make a tiktok to say, “hey everybody, join me on my musical journey to ...
My oneplus one is battery dead and the power button quit as well. Repair costs would be as expensive as buying a new phone (200-300 price range) so searching for a new one. But, I need a temporary phone in the mean time. A phone with googled-android is absolutely a no-go. I us...
Richard Dawkins coined the term “meme” as an analogue to “gene,” to describe the units of culture that propagate and develop over time. Consider the evolution of ideas. For centuries, people have wanted to understand the relationship between different materials in the world. At one point,...
When the day-care receptionist asked how they knew each other, she said, “Well, he’s kind of my boss.” Mr. Ward cringed. Ag Biome operates with a “flat” business model: It eschews managers, favoring committees instead. Despite their titles, the co-founders, Scott Uknes and Mr. ...
OMG everybody, $Undefined a month is SUCH a good deal. undefined best-monthly-payment nan 6 65 amnjain 810 6y Marvel fan here😂 joke/meme marvel fans will get it undefined marvel 1 65 mikerocke 273 8y My resolution for this year is to stop hating javascript. Error: cannot ...
It isn’t just wages. The past 2 years many many people have acted like total shits towards workers just doing their jobs, in particular frontline grocery store clerks. My sister in law runs the front end at a large chain grocery store. The staff are underp...
The task force didn’t get off to a particularly quick or efficient start. It took its members more than a year to come up with a practical definition of self-esteem in the first place, with “[a]ppreciating my own worth and importance, and having the character to be accountable for ...
I have always kept a set of jumper cables in my vehicles. In the hundreds of thousands of miles I have driven over the years, I have never had a dead car battery while on the road. In fact, I’ve only used the cables to start others’ cars when they didn’t have cables. I also...