CBS The conversation between the two women is interesting. At some point during their conversation, one of the women noticed something odd in the sky and got her phone out to get it on video. She quickly realized the light she was seeing was a bit out of the ordinary. So, what could ...
3. Use primarily joint-friendly tools and exercises.For example, using dumbbells for a bench press is easier on many trainees’ shoulders and elbows, when compared to a barbell bench press, because natural movement can occur in the wrists, elbows, and shoulders. For women in their 40s and b...
Instead, most of your exercises during the week should focus on mobility and resistance training. Resistance training exercises will increase muscle tone, which helpsraiseyourresting metabolic rate(the number of calories you burn while doing nothing). For those who are out of shape and want to ge...
Volume load was calculated by multiplying the number of repetitions completed in the resistance training session (sum of leg press and leg extension exercises) by the actual resistance encountered (volume load: number of sets × number of repetitions × weight lifted). Volume load (kg) is an at...
For exercise intensity, the exercise duration was gradually adjusted to an exercise intensity of 45–55% of HRRmax, considering that the study subject were elderly women over 75 years old, using Karvonen’s formula. Resistance exercise was performed at 11–14 RM, for three sets. In the case...
Ola Ka Ola is an online health and fitness program for women in their 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond. With online workouts and classes for women. Join us!
Fortunately very quickly after the dosage readjustment I got more physical energy back and could do less-intellectual exercises. Caught up on housework and laundry. Even washed a couple windows! And, on the even brighter side, my second HobbyZone order arrived and I’ve been able to plod away...
How to Lose Weight in Your 50s and 60s Stay Active (or Get Active) In general, adults should be getting 30 minutes of exercise per day, while also aiming for 10,000 steps per day.11 Resistance exercises like weight lifting can increase your muscle mass, which may increase your metaboli...
I digress…back to the angel ornaments and dreaming of a multi-colored Christmas! One of my Advent exercises this year has been to search for stained glass images that draw me into the Advent story and characters in a new way. I’ve been sharing them daily tomy account on Instagram.I de...
Therefore, I did not have to join the gym but I am going to physical therapy which provides me with the stretching exercises I need. It is funny how we can rationalize our weight. I prefer to think of my body the way Aunty Acid thinks of hers “I have a Rock Hard body well ...