Physical activity and incidence of coronary heart disease in middle-aged women and men. Med Sci Sport Exerc. 1997;29:901–9. Article CAS Google Scholar Richardson MT, Ainsworth BE, Wu HC, Jacobs DRJ, Leon AS. Ability of the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC)/Baecke Questionnaire to...
The GAMs are able to explain 66%, 62%, 55% and 58% of the daily variability in PM2.5 sulfate, nitrate, OC and EC concentrations during the whole study period, respectively. Predicted concentrations capture large regional patterns as well as fine gradients of the four PM2.5 species in urban...
We aimed to test the hypotheses that activities of antioxidant enzymes, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD), in skeletal muscle would be greater in 1) Angus compared with Brahman steers; 2) longissimus thoracis (LT) compared with trapezius (TRAP) musc...
Several prominent marine heatwaves (MHWs)—prolonged periods of anomalously high sea surface temperatures1—have had severe impacts on marine ecosystems in recent years. Notable events occurred in the northern Mediterranean Sea in 20032,3, along the Western Australian coast in 20114, the northwest At...
Perry J. BlackshearJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Journal of Cellular PhysiologyTaylor, G.A., Blackshear, P.J., 1995. Zinc inhibits turnover of labile mRNA in intact cells. J. Cell Physiol. 162, 378-387.Taylor, G. A. and Blackshear, P. J., "Zinc Inhibits Turnover of Labile mRNAs in ...
Center for Education Statistics [3] found that approximately 17% of principals either transferred schools or quit their jobs, with principals employed at schools in impoverished communities being most likely to leave their jobs compared to principals employed at schools in affluent communities. Despite...
Mineral dust aerosols, which comprise multiple mineral species, are transported far from their source desert areas to the open ocean. After an Asian dust outflow event was observed over a marine boundary layer in the western North Pacific on February 29,