Cesarean Section Scar Nodule, Ovarian Cyst, and Dysmenorrhea.doi:10.4103/jmu.jmu_70_20Manuel Goncalves-HenriquesPedro BrandoAmélia AlmeidaPaula RamaMedknow
Sonographically, the benign, mature cystic teratoma may be a homogeneous echogenic mass or a predominantly fluid-filled mass with an echogenic mural nodule. The presence of fat, calcification, or fat-fluid levels are all common findings in mature cystic teratoma (Fig. 26-66).181Large masses may...
MRI findings of clear-cell and endometrioid ovarian carcinomas, as with TVUS, are often overlapped, characterized by large cystic heterogeneous mixed ovarian mass with mural nodules protruding into the cystic space. Nevertheless, morphological features such as a round mural nodule, a high height-to...
Both are typically present as a mass with varying solid and cystic parts, usually more solid than serous and mucinous neoplasms, often with evidence of hemorrhage. When they develop in an endometrioma, diagnosis may be suggested by the presence of an enhancing mural nodule within an otherwise ...