What Causes Ovarian Cancer? One in 78 women will get ovarian cancer. Know your risk factors, find it early and beat it. ByAnastasia Climan Advancements in Treatment for Ovarian Cancer Medical breakthroughs bring hope to women in this battle against a deadly cancer. ...
Most Women with Ovarian Cancer Do Not Get Guideline-specified Treatment Linked to Survival BenefitsCharlotte Bath
Palliative careis another important part of treating your cancer. It isn't always the same ashospice care. You still get treatment, but you also get care for pain, emotionalstress, and other issues related to your cancer that can affect your quality of life. Side Effects Cancer treatments ca...
During the surgery, you might also get a peritoneal wash. The surgeon will put sterile fluid in your abdomen and then remove it. The fluid will go to a lab to be checked for cancer cells. If the cancer has spread to your pelvis or abdomen, the surgeon will try to remove as much of...
Ovarian cancer is the eighth most commonly occurring cancer in women. Clinically, the limitation of conventional screening and monitoring approaches inhibits high throughput analysis of the tumor molecular markers toward prediction of treatment response.
Ovarian cancer occurs in females and begins in the ovaries. It then spreads within the pelvic region. Read on to learn more about ovarian cancer.
Ovarian cancer is an aggressive disease that is frequently detected at advanced stages and is initially very responsive to platinum-based chemotherapy. However, the majority of patients relapse following initial surgery and chemotherapy, highlighting the urgent need to develop new therapeutic strategies. ...
No one should get this test done unless they actually have a mass, or their doctor has some reason to get it. It should not be drawn just to see the level since it is not a reliable screening test for ovarian cancer. HE4 is another blood test that is used in the U.S. to monitor...
This National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (NOCC) resource is intended primarily for patients with ovarian cancer, caregivers and those that are interested in learning about ovarian cancer. You will find expert advice about ovarian cancer to help you discuss
The standard chemotherapy procedure involving several cytotoxic drugs has been established and optimized for ovarian cancer treatment (such as the combination of taxane and platinum); however, the overall cure rate has remained at approximately 30% for the last 20 to 30 years7,10–12. Therefore, ...