Results: Caregiver-perceived patient physical functioning was significantly associated with more caregiving tasks after controlling for education, age, and stage of ovarian cancer, but no other HRQoL functioning scale (i.e., role, emotional, social) was associated with caregiv...
The Gouverneur Breast & Ovarian Cancer Fund is a community non-profit. Our mission is to alleviate some of the financial burdens patients face during their treatment, allowing them to focus on recovery and healing. Your support goes directly to assist ne
The inclusion of the FIGO/TNM classification, peritoneal cancer index, or other scores did not reach > 80% agreement. The gynaecological surgeons make the decision on how far a cytoreductive surgery can go, considering the patient’s performance status and disease-related factors, together with ...
The Gouverneur Breast & Ovarian Cancer Fund is a community non-profit. Our mission is to alleviate some of the financial burdens patients face during their treatment, allowing them to focus on recovery and healing. Your support goes directly to assist ne
The Gouverneur Breast & Ovarian Cancer Fund is a community non-profit. Our mission is to alleviate some of the financial burdens patients face during their treatment, allowing them to focus on recovery and healing. Your support goes directly to assist ne
Ovarian cancer survival rates have improved only slightly in recent decades; however, treatment of this disease is expected to undergo rapid change as stra
Fig. 1: INHBA(+) fibroblasts are enriched in cancer metastases and are associated with Tregs. a A schematic of the process of image analysis in the TMA of patient-matched primary, synchronous metastatic, and metachronous recurrent HGSOC samples from 42 patients. The image was generated using Bi...
In light of these new data, the present study was conducted with the goal of evaluating the cost-effectiveness of olaparib plus bevacizumab for the treatment of the overall AOC patient population and for homologous recombination deficiency (HRD)-positive patients, patients with a breast cancer ...
The use of primary patient-derived organoids for drug sensitivity and resistance testing could play an important role in precision cancer medicine. We developed expandable ovarian cancer organoids in < 3 weeks; these organoids captured the
Cancer cells metabolize glucose similar to normal cells for energy and, hence, by depleting the source of glucose, cancerous cells can be maintained in a starved state (Liu et al. 2018). Insulin hormone and IGF-1 facilitate the uptake of glucose by the cancerous cells when the patient ...