Microscopic Demonstration of Fat in Urine and Stool by Means of Fluorescence Microscopy The first approach to a patient with thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) involves differentiating thrombotic throm-bocytopenic purpura (TTP) from hemolytic ur... BW Volk,P Hans - 《American Journal of Clinical Path...
Also, the ability posites as dielectric, an effective platform and electrochemical pfororptehretideestoefrmthiennatainonomofatHer2iOal2s of is innavneost-iogvaatel dB.aTThi0e.7Fster0u.3cOtu3@raNl,itFhee2Orm4 anla,noopctoicmal-, have been studied. Due to the high electrocata- ...