My mobile app consumes a REST API for retrieving birdsong recordings, for instance: When building this in outsystems, the second argument (q:A, for recording quality) isn't passed to the API, resulting in...
The default timeout for consuming a REST API is 100 seconds. Are you sure that tiemout refers to the REST API invocation? Try to access service center -> Monitoring -> Integrations and find the invocation for that consumed REST API. You should see there the invocation duration and ...
I switched to returning a JSON String and then Deserialize the JSON String, it still raises an error "Failed to parse response of the method 'APIItemSearch' of the 'Enterprise' REST API: Parsing '': Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position ...
3) Search for "Consumed REST APIs" and click the name in the Name column; you'll go to a new page 4) Set Logging Level to Full, press Apply Then do again whatever triggers the error. Next, still in Service Center, click Monitoring, then Integrations. You'll find a REST (Consume)...
Uses REST API from version: 2.0.5) TODO: -Consume more REST API methods to support more search functionality. Release notes(1.1.0) Renamed application to "REST Countries (IS)" from "REST Countries".
When I am trying to consume REST API, I am getting below error Remote host closed connection during handshake. The detailed stack trace attached at the end. However, when do test connection in service studio, I am able to hit the REST API and I get the json response back....
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This is interesting, as the trace (I assume it's the Integration Log HTTP trace?) should only show <binary data> instead of the actual binary data if it's a binary data body. Can you share a (stripped, if needed) module that contains the REST API method c...
This way I can show and handle the REST API result on my screen. You can also see this exampleRestConsume.omlimplemented in the attachment below See solution in context ...
server side verification of the user response, but when I try to consume the API I am getting a 405 error. I haven't built the submit logic yet in this OML because it seems like the logical first step is to set up the REST service and verify that I get a successful test response....