The outstanding balance on a credit card is the total amount owed at the time that you check your account. It is the total of purchases, cash advances, balance transfers, issuer fees and interest that have posted to the account. Also known as the current balance, it is a living number...
What is an outstanding balance on a credit card? And when is this figure different from your statement balance? The terms “outstanding balance” and “statement balance” are often used in place of one another, but they’re not the same. Read on to find out what these credit card terms...
Your credit card’s outstanding balance can also include any credit card interest and fees that have accrued. If you’ve just made a payment on your credit card, your outstanding balance will also reflect that fact, regardless of what your credit card’s statement balance says. ...
period andnooutstandingbalance on the Credit Card Account, the Syndicate Account [...] (c) 在下列情況下「「生」有權決定是否提供「信用卡結單」,若(i)在有關期間內並無任何進支及自上一份「信用卡結單」後「信用卡 ...
Do I have any outstanding bills on my credit card this month? 本月我的信用卡有欠费吗? About 60% of the earthwork component remains outstanding. 大约60%的土方工程子项目仍然未完成。 【术语解析】remain outstanding 原意为:保持未完成,即:依然未完成 component n. 组成部分,部分,子项目= a component...
settle支付 outstanding未支付的 balance 差额 余额 支付我信用卡上的未付余额
aSince little research has been conducted on the convenience users. The majority of the revolvers (60%) 从那以后 一点研究 有是 举办 在 便利用户。 左轮手枪(60%的)多数[translate] athe outstanding credit card balances. 卓著的信用卡平衡。[translate]...
Even if you pay your credit card bill on time every month, a large outstanding balance can damage your credit score. Interest Charges Carrying a large outstanding balance on credit cards comes with a hefty price tag in interest charges. Suppose you run a monthly balance of $7,000, or a...
period andnooutstandingbalance on the Credit Card Account, the Syndicate Account or the Partnership Account (as the casemaybe)since the last Card Account Statement or (ii) where the Cardhasbeencancelled or terminated by Hang Seng or the Cardmemberforwhatever reason or where the Syndicate or the...
An outstanding balance is the total amount still owed on a loan or credit card. An outstanding principal balance is the principal or original amount of a loan (i.e., the dollar amount initially loaned) that is still due and does not take into account the interest or any fees that are o...