Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005 outside (ˈautsaid) noun the outer surface. The outside of the house was painted white.exterior (...
My Spanish friends didn’t go to the house where the sign outside said “VACANCIES” because ___.A. they thought the house wasn’t beautiful enoughB. they thought the people in the house were strangeC. they thought there were no free rooms in the houseD. they thought “vacancies”...
riding, round, shelf booty, sitting, spandex, spanish, spread, squeezing, sticking out, stuck, super, super pear, supersized, too big, trying, TV, ultra, very big, video, way too big, white, white bbw, white girl, white woman, wide, wide hips, wider, widest, wobble, wobbling, YouTu...
25, 2025 "A group of prominent military contractors, including former Blackwater CEO Erik Prince, has pitched the Trump White House on a proposal to carry out mass deportations through a network of “processing camps” on military bases, a private fleet of 100 planes, and a “small army” ...
outstanding in Englishoven in Englishover in English outside in other dictionaries outside in Arabicoutside in Czechoutside in Germanoutside in Spanishoutside in Frenchoutside in Hindioutside in Indonesianoutside in Italianoutside Georgianoutside in Lithuanianoutside in Dutchoutside in Norwegianout...
“But my father says I'm an American, and that’s why I speak Spanish,” he remembered telling his teacher. But she punished him by putting him in a corner of the classroom. His father was proud that his son was learning English, but that didn’t take away from the other language ...
He abused his privileges in activities outside his official capacity. 他在职务范围之外滥用特权。 例句: She is a beautiful boat, but way, way outside my price range. 这条船很漂亮,但价格却远远超出我能承受的范围。 除了… 例句: Outside the Spanish Islands, Negroes are the dominant race in...
“My house felt narrow;I felt like the walls were caving in on me,” she said. “And I just felt like there was no place to go.”As the women gathered and screamed on this day in Verona Park, in Verona, N.J, caved emotions poured out. They got a great sense of relief. “I ...
Nick Heil is a contributing editor at Outside and the author of Dark Summit: The True Story of Everest's Most Controversial Season. He lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
I developed a 15-page marketing plan composed in Spanish that recommended more effective ways the company could promote its services. While interning with a private organization in Ecuador, I developed a 15-page marketing plan composed in Spanish that recommended more effective ways the company could...