最终,结果导向的「敏捷开发」沦陷为产出导向的「快速开发」,并落下「中华田园敏捷」的恶名。 01 结果导向 VS. 产出导向 敏捷开发以结果导向(Outcome Oriented)为内核,强调价值交付,以优先级排序、产品待办列表等最佳实践保障敏捷团队专注于用户价值创造。 而产出导向(Output Oriented)的快速开发则专注于消除技术风险和...
Outputs are not meaningful independent of describing the outcome. However, good outcome-focused Objectives help teams identify which outputs are most likely to lead to the desired outcomes. When crafted with intention and foresight, outputs can serve as a powerful engine that keeps your Objectives mo...
成果vs.产出 (Outcome vs. Output) 产出与成果的区别 产出是指所做的事情,而成果是指完成事情后得到的结果。例如,组织产品推广会是产出,而成交订单和获取意向客户则是成果。关注产出可能导致忘记最初的目的,而专注于成果是更具挑战性的,因为它需要打破常规思维。 关注产出与成果的心理机制 我们更容易决定产出,因为...
最终,结果导向的「敏捷开发」沦陷为产出导向的「快速开发」,并落下「中华田园敏捷」的恶名。 01 结果导向 VS. 产出导向 敏捷开发以结果导向(Outcome Oriented)为内核,强调价值交付,以优先级排序、产品待办列表等最佳实践保障敏捷团队专注于用户价值创造。 而产出导向(Output Oriented)的快速开发则专注于消除技术风险和...
01 结果导向 VS. 产出导向 敏捷开发以结果导向(Outcome Oriented)为内核,强调价值交付,以优先级排序、产品待办列表等最佳实践保障敏捷团队专注于用户价值创造。 而产出导向(Output Oriented)的快速开发则专注于消除技术风险和快速上线功能。在紧迫的迭代周期内,研发团队追求高效率、高速度和高质量的功能实现,却可能忽视产...
2010; Vianna et al. 2012; Fairfax et al. 20l3a,b; Tan et al. 2013), the standard metrics of activity are typically averaged over time (minutes) at rest or during the steady state following an initiating stimulus.Skow,R.J.The Journal of Physiology...
WorkflowElementOutcomeType WorkflowElementType WorkLoadType xArgs xAxaptaUserDetails xAxaptaUserManager xBrowser xClassFactory xClassTrace xCompany xCompilerOutput XDSServices xDynamicVarSet xExportToExcelController xFormRun xGlobal xInfo xLanguage xMenuFunction xNavPane XppCompiler xRecord xRef xRefKind XRef...
1. Annotations vs Nested Results With the current output, annotations are to be represented as their ownoutput unitwithin theannotationscollection, including thevalidproperty and all JSON pointers indicating where the annotation came from and to what part of the instance it applies. Additionally, any...
Reload VS Code insiders Try running the notebook with this version Note: You might not see any outputs in any cell, however you should still see the green tick to indicate whether a cell ran successfully or not, along with the execution count Please let me know how this goes. ms-toolsai...