OutputTemplate是一个字符串模板,它确定了日志消息的格式。当您使用Serilog记录日志时,您可以在logger配置中指定OutputTemplate,以指定日志消息的格式。这个模板可以包含一些特殊的占位符,它们会被Serilog替换为相应的值。这使得您可以非常灵活地控制日志消息的内容和格式。 常用的占位符 以下是一些常用的占位符,您可以在Ou...
首先,我们需要在Serilog中定义OutputTemplate。一般我们在程序的入口处初始化Serilog配置,具体做法如下: ```csharp var log = new LoggerConfiguration() .WriteTo.Console(outputTemplate: "{Timestamp:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff zzz} [{Level:u3}] {Message:lj}{NewLine}{Exception}") .CreateLogger(); `...
安装: 首先安装 Serilog,通过Package Manager Console或者Nuget管理窗口进行安装: PM> Install-Package ...
ExpressionTemplateimplementsITextFormatter, so it works with any text-based Serilog sink, includingConsole(with ANSI color themes),File,Debug, andEmail. Custom formatters Both plain text and JSON formatting are implemented using theITextFormatterinterface. Implementations of this interface can format log...
It would be great if you could use the markdown template below. e.g. https://github.com/serilog/serilog/issues/new joshmccleery commented Sep 19, 2017 • edited I've found that the timestamp written by the file logger extension is not readable by the AWS cloudwatch log agent. It ...
Serilog configuration Serve multiple angular spa from a single core web application Server Error in Application - The resource cannot be found. Server Side Date Range filtering with Datatables and Razor Pages Server-side Paging,Filtering & Sorting using MVC6 grid inside my asp.net mvc core service...
net8 serilog日志 outputTemplate 添加traceid字段 .net core日志,.NETCore日志系统日志有:调试日志,跟踪日志,诊断日志,事件日志;为了整合第三方日志和.Netcore自身日志框架的整合还有一个统一日志编程模型的框架:ILogger接口ILoggerFactory,ILoggerProvider(日志提
Serilog configuration Serve multiple angular spa from a single core web application Server Error in Application - The resource cannot be found. Server Side Date Range filtering with Datatables and Razor Pages Server-side Paging,Filtering & Sorting using MVC6 grid inside my asp.net mvc core service...