OutputFixingParser: 功能基本同RetryOutputParser - StructuredOutputParser: 根据提前定义的返回字段,进行解析,底层就是调用json的解析方式,然后判断对应的变量是否在json结果中。 output_parsers的通用函数说明 几乎所有的output类都包含一个BaseOutputParser基类,该基类没有属性,定义了若干方法: parse_result(): 将候选...
示例代码如下: fromlangchain.output_parsersimportResponseSchema,StructuredOutputParserfromlangchain.promptsimportPromptTemplatefromlangchain_openaiimportChatOpenAI# 定义响应的结构(JSON),两个字段 answer和source。response_schemas=[ResponseSchema(name="answer",description="answer to the user's question"),Response...
os.environ['OpenAI_API_KEY'] = 'hk-iwtb91e427' # 设置OpenAI API密钥 from langchain_core.output_parsers import PydanticOutputParser, JsonOutputParser from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate from langchain_openai import OpenAI, ChatOpenAI from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, model_valid...
这个解析器将文本解析为日期时间对象。 from langchain.output_parsers import DatetimeOutputParser from datetime import datetime # 创建解析器实例 class CustomDatetimeOutputParser(DatetimeOutputParser): def parse(self, text: str) -> datetime: try: # 自定义日期时间格式 return datetime.strptime(text, "%Y-...
The output parsers are the outputs and classes that can help to get the structured output from the model. To learn the process of using the output parsers in LangChain, simply go through the listed steps: Step 1: Install Modules Firstly, start the process of using the output parsers by in...
We can use many types of output parsers from LangChain to standardize our LLM output. We would try several of them to understand the output parser better. First, we would try Pydantic Parser. It’s an output parser that we could use to control and validate the output from the generated ...
pip install --upgrade --quiet langchain-core langchain-community langchain-openai 我在环境变量中配置了,所以后续在代码中可以省略这个参数。 export OPENAI_API_KEY="sk-UkyBxxxx" export OPENAI_API_BASE="https://wzk..." 编写代码 from langchain_core.output_parsers import JsonOutputParser from ...
https://learn.deeplearning.ai/chatgpt-building-system/ https://learn.deeplearning.ai/chatgpt-building-system/科技 计算机技术 人工智能 langchain 吴恩达 LLM OPENAI prompt rowan琪 发消息 接下来播放 自动连播 7-代理 LangChain: Models, Prompts and Output Parsers rowan琪 103 0 ...
sanitazeJSON(text:string): string{// sanitize json and remove the `\\"` and another strings that could crash the parser} and use it before parse, i could add it in all parsers asyncparse(text:string):Promise<AgentAction|AgentFinish>{[...]jsonOutput=sanitizeJSON(jsonOutput)// solutiontry...
Utils::Environment env = bc->environment();// Force output to english for the parsers. Do this here and not in the toolchain's// addToEnvironment() to not screw up the users run environment.env.set(QLatin1String("LC_ALL"), QLatin1String("C")); ...