(IDebugAdvanced2), (void **)& pDebugAdvanced2))) { HRESULT hr = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pDebugAdvanced2->Request( DEBUG_REQUEST_CURRENT_OUTPUT_CALLBACKS_ARE_DML_AWARE, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL))) { if (hr == S_OK) bAbilityDML = TRUE; } pDebugAdvanced2->Release(); } return...
The Save Current Preview template has also been removed. New Defaults The Movie and Save Current Preview Defaults will use the new High Quality output module template. The Pre-Render and Movie Proxy Defaults will use the new High Quality with Alpha output module template. When upgra...
Specifying template expressions Most operations in a process take input data, process the data or perform some action based on the data, and then return data as output. You configure operation properties to specify the input data and the location to store the output data. Typically, the proper...
It uses settings format_template_resultset, format_template_row (format_template_row_format), format_template_rows_between_delimiter and some settings of other formats (e.g. output_format_json_quote_64bit_integers when using JSON escaping, see further) ...
Export: Export the current screen layout as a .slz file. You can use this layout in other FrameMaker or RoboHelp projects. Responsive HTML5 Use HTML Page Template Import a .htt, .htm, or .html template file to define and create a mini TOC in the published output. For details on ho...
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { // Get the current time, format it as "15:04:05" (hour:minute:second), and convert it to a string. // Then, create a BigText from the time string using PTerm's DefaultBigText and putils NewLettersFromString. // The Srender() function is used...
If publicPath is not used, current behaviour would be preserved. The refactor seems good to me. I've had another bug in another pretty exotic rename in chain situation (very corner case, not very important) but, apart from that, everything seems to be humming good. I've got friends at...
To define a custom regression output layer, you can use the template provided in this example, which takes you through the following steps: Name the layer – Give the layer a name so it can be used in MATLAB®. Declare the layer properties – Specify the properties of the layer. ...
The output stream is used for the output of objects created by a script or workflow when it runs correctly. Azure Automation primarily uses this stream for objects to be consumed by parent runbooks that call thecurrent runbook. When a parentcalls a runbook inline, the child returns data from...
Use the following code as a template to produce Figure windows that meet your needs. % Create figurefigure1 = figure('Name','purple_background',...'Color',[0.4784 0.06275 0.8941]); colormap('hsv');% Create subplotsubplot(1,1,1,'Parent',figure1); box('on');% Create axis labelsxlab...