Relieve pain, recover from injuries, and enhance your health at a BenchMark outpatient physical therapy clinic near you. Schedule an appointment today.
Relieve pain, recover from injuries, and enhance your health at a BenchMark outpatient physical therapy clinic near you. Schedule an appointment today.
Relieve pain, recover from injuries, and enhance your health at a BenchMark outpatient physical therapy clinic near you. Schedule an appointment today.
Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy JournalKasinskas, C., Wood, R., & Koch, M.L. (2011). Blood pressure monitoring in outpatient physical therapy clinics: should it be performed routinely?. Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal. 22(4), 31-32....
Mobile telephone short message service reminders can reduce nonattendance in physical therapy outpatient clinics: a randomized controlled trial. To investigate whether short message service (SMS) reminders reduce nonattendance in physical therapy outpatient clinics. Prospective single-blinded randomized ...
CAREGIVER COMPLIANCE WITH PHYSICAL THERAPY HOME PROGRAM: A PILOT STUDY IN PEDIATRIC OUTPATIENT CLINICS IN KUWAITdoi:info:doi/10.15621/ijphy/2017/v4i3/149063Maryam M. AlmandilMakiah SadekSurreya MahomedInternational Journal of Physiotherapy
Implementing Expressive Writing in Outpatient Physical Therapy Clinics: Connecting Theoretical Foundations With Practical StrategiesWanner, Eric ThomasBird, Jennifer LynneBrahler, Claudia JayneJournal of Humanities in Rehabilitation
Hankin H, Spencer T, Kergerreis S, et al. Analysis of pain behavior profiles and functional disability in outpatient physical therapy clinics. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2001;31:90-95.Hankin HA, Spencer T, Kegerreis S, Worrell T, Rice JM. Analysis of pain behavior profiles and functional...
The study was carried out at a general hospital from March 2020 to September 2021 and consisted mainly of patients who visited outpatient clinics or were hospitalized and needed nutritional intervention and follow-up. More particularly, participants screened for participating in the study were inpatients...