1. 结果输出后,发现WhenChanged这个属性值没有更新,同时GlobalWebDistributionEnabled,WebDistributionEnabled的值都为True,以为是OAB还没有更新过来,重新输入以下命令强制更新: Get-AddressList|Update-GlobalAddressListGet-GlobalAddressList|Update-GlobalAddressListGet-OfflineAddressBook|Update-OfflineAddressBook 1. 2. 3....
Get-GlobalAddressList | Update-GlobalAddressList 更新脱机通讯簿: Get-OfflineAddressBook | Update-OfflineAddressBook 告诉访客接入服务器有一更新脱机通讯簿: Get-ClientAccessServer | Update-FileDistributionService 一旦完整,请重新启动Microsoft Outlook客户端,因此它进站最新信息。为了下载新的通讯簿文件,请选...
The Sun Java System Connector for Microsoft Outlook GAL enables Outlook to display the corporate directory as “Global Address List” in conjunction with Contacts, personal address book, and any other address book providers. The GAL provides access to details of individual users, static groups, and...
View favorited people, categories, and search folders Create, update, and delete calendar events and people (previously contacts) View entire global address list
For example, if Start with Global Address List is selected and the scroll list displays Contacts as the first item, the ResolutionOrder property of the Contacts address list is still 1, even though when resolving recipients, Outlook uses the Global Address List first. When Custom is s...
Outlook must be able to access the server to obtain this information. Therefore, if you are in cached mode and if you are working online (that is, your connection status indicates “Connected”), Outlook uses both the offline address book and the global address list to provide a complete l...
This policy setting lets you block the synchronization of contacts between Outlook and the global address list (GAL). If you enable this policy setting, GAL contact synchronization is blocked. If you disable or you don't configure this policy setting, GAL contact synchronization is ...
How To edit a Global Address List How to enable Outlook's auto-forward when the PC is turned off? How to export Older Emails from Outlook to .pst file How to export outlook multiple calendars into one excel tab? How to export then import a Contact Group How to export/import outlook cal...
Yet, I have recently observed, the crash happens when I search the"offlineGlobal Address List**"** , but it goes fine when trying to search the"Global Address List" Not saying that this is the optimal solution, but it is very obvious that the crash happens when trying to search the of...
For the contact corrections Outlook makes during GAL synchronization, and the list of settings that you can configure, review the global address list synchronization section inDetermine which features to enable or customize in Outlook 2010. To download the Outlook 2010 template and for more information...