缓存Exchange 模式允许 Outlook 使用用户邮箱的本地副本,而 Outlook 则与远程 Exchange 服务器上的用户邮箱远程副本保持联机连接。 当 Outlook 在缓存 Exchange 模式下运行时,默认情况下,登录到同一会话的任何 MAPI 解决方案也会连接到缓存的邮件存储区。 访问的任何数据和所做的...
如果已经打开缓存的邮件存储区,或者必须使用此标记关闭存储,或打开新的 MAPI 会话,可以使用此标记在远程服务器上打开 Exchange 存储。下面的代码示例演示如何使用 ulFlags 参数中设置的MDB_ONLINE 标志调用 IMAPISession::OpenMsgStore 以打开远程服务器上的默认存储。
缓存Exchange 模式是 Outlook 2016 的首选配置,在以下情况下非常有用: 经常进出连接的用户。 经常脱机或无连接工作的用户。 具有高延迟连接的用户 (大于 500 毫秒) Exchange Server。 联机模式在以下情况下很有用: 展台方案:特定计算机具有许多访问不同 Outlook 帐户的用户,并且无法延迟将电子邮件下载到本地缓存。
如果用户从早期版本的 Outlook 升级到 Outlook 2016并且你以前配置了 Outlook for Cached Exchange 模式,则会自动应用这些旧的缓存 Exchange 模式设置,包括共享邮箱的新同步控件。 新 .ost 文件或 OAB 文件的默认位置为:%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\脱机通讯簿。 作为管理员,可以为组织中还没有....
When an Outlook 2016 account is configured to use Cached Exchange Mode, there's always a local copy of a user's Exchange mailbox ready in an offline data file (.ostfile) on the user's computer. By default, the.ostfile is in the C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook fo...
However, when they log on to the Remote Desktop server, their .ost files are copied as part of their profiles. As a result, too much disk space is used. In this case, it is best to keep Cached Exchange Mode for the clients but disable it for the Remote Desktop server. To do this...
To view the item count in an Outlook Calendar when you use Cached Exchange Mode, use the Calendar Properties dialog box:In Outlook, open the Calendar pane, and then right-click the Calendar folder. Select Properties. On the General tab, select Show total number of items. Sel...
If you view a shared or delegate folder in another mailbox, Outlook doesn't show any server-side items if Outlook uses Cached Exchange Mode.Note: In this context, a delegate folder is a folder that you access as a delegate.Workaround...
Outlook 2007: enabled value; 84 19 00 00 enabled with Public Folders/Favorites: 84 05 00 00 disabled value; 04 10 00 00 In the registry it is located in d4c3fff326ad1c498c9982bc456d4c6a in Outlook 2010. Outlook 2010 Cached Exchange Mode is controlled by the following key; ...
Do you have any official documentation that explain the cached mode with Exchange Online ? What I don't get is that on another account from another O365 tenant, the cached mode works well. I have 1 year of local e-mail and I can search on the server from Outlook without any prob...