Not usually. But if it doesn't work the first time, you might want to try it. Here it is, all filled out with our sample information. Next, I would hit the Test Account Settings button. Outlook sends an email to you to see if it works. If it does, hit the More Settings button.... supports access via POP3 and SMTP protocols. Below you can find the configuration settings for those protocols. All servers (POP3 and SMTP) use implicit SSL (use ConnectSSL method). SMTP server also supports explicit SSL (you can use Connect method and then secure the...
For steps on how to use these settings to set up an initial account or add more accounts in the Outlook for MacAccountsbox, seeAdd an email account to Outlook. Use the information in the table below to understand or adjust the settings for your POP email ...
In Outlook for an Exchange account, the sequence of steps File-Account Settings-Account Settings-Select Exchange Account-Change-More Settings In the Security tab for the **Microsoft Exchange dialogue box**, uncheck Always prompt for logon credentials. For Pop3 accounts - the password option to r...
Incoming mail server: Outgoing mail server (SMTP): Logon Information: User Name: your email address Password: your password Then click on the “More Settings” button: Outgoing Server tab:mark the box“My outgoing server (SMTP) requires...
當您嘗試使用 POP3 或 IMAP 帳戶從 Microsoft Outlook 傳送電子郵件時,您會收到下列錯誤訊息: 錯誤訊息:0x800CCC80 - 您的伺服器不支援此用戶端所支援的驗證方法。 原因 如果您的 Outlook 電子郵件帳戶未設定為在傳送郵件之前登入傳入伺服器,但您的因特網服務提供者 (ISP) 要求您在透過 SMT...
ClickChange Folderat the bottom of theAccount Settingsdialog box to select a folder in the separate store to which you want to deliver that account. If you do not use a POP3 account, you can also work around this issue by setting the target folder for all rules to be in the same Outl...
Sign in to your account using Outlook Web App. For more information, seeSign in to Outlook Web App. In Outlook Web App, on the toolbar, clickSettings >Options>Account>My account>Settings for POP and IMAP access. The POP3, IMAP4, and SMTP server name and... Outlook 支持自定义视觉对象主题。 设置为“未配置”时,默认应用设置设置为 “开”。 值类型:布尔值 接受的值:true、false 如果未指定,则为默认值:true 必需:否 示例:false 托管设备、托管应用 此键指定应用是否启用块共享体验... Outlook 支援自定義視覺主題。 設定為未設定時,預設應用程式設定會設定為 [開啟]。 實值類型:布爾值 接受的值:true、false 如果未指定,則為預設值:true 必要:否 範例:false 受控裝置、受控應用程式 com...