1.选择“更多选项”->“Share to Outlook”,如下所示: 2.然后在弹出的窗口中,输入要分享的邮件地址,然后点击Send,如下所示: 说明: · 共享到 Outlook 功能目前在移动设备上不受支持。 · 必须启用Outlook 网页版。 如果已关闭, “共享到 Outlook”选项不会显示在 Teams 中。 场景2:将下图中的电子邮件正文同...
Outlook: Outlook on the web – Share to Microsoft Teams Send a copy of email messages or conversations, including attachments, into Teams chats and channels or start a Teams chat related to a specific email message. When sharing to Teams from Outlook on the web, a popup window will appear ...
Once you do this, please be aware that the team in the Chatwon’tbe informed of what comes out of the emails unless you add them to the email thread. What you can do is, if there’s anything that the team should know, send it back to teams using the “Outlook to Teams” strategy...
Note:If you have the Teams desktop client installed and are on Outlook Windows build 16.0.13423.10000 (or higher) or Outlook for Mac build (or higher),Share to Teamsopens a Teams desktop window. Otherwise, it opens an Outlook window. Send an email from Outlook...
Microsoft 365 的统一清单使你可以将 Outlook 外接程序与 Teams 应用组合为一个开发和部署单元。 我们正在努力将统一清单的支持扩展到 Excel、PowerPoint、Word、自定义 Copilot 开发以及 Microsoft 365 的其他扩展。 有关它的详细信息,请参阅 具有统一清单的 Office 加载项。 有关组合的 Teams 应用和 Outlook 外接...
Microsoft 365 的统一清单使你可以将 Outlook 外接程序与 Teams 应用组合为一个开发和部署单元。 我们正在努力将统一清单的支持扩展到 Excel、PowerPoint、Word、自定义 Copilot 开发以及 Microsoft 365 的其他扩展。 有关它的详细信息,请参阅 具有统一清单的 Office 加载项。 有关组合的 Teams 应用和 Outlook 外接...
>Share to Outlook . Choose your recipient(s). You can also add attachments or customize the message with familiar email options. SelectSendto share your chat message. Share a channel conversation from Teams to Outlook In Teams, you can also share an entire channel conversation as an email to...
Skip to main contentMicrosoft Microsoft 365 Teams Copilot Windows Surface Xbox Deals Small Business Support All Microsoft Search Your current User-Agent string appears to be from an automated process, if this is incorrect, please click this link:...
Hello, I would like to give the possibility to anyone to send an email to all members of a Teams group (expand email to each member). From a member or...
Skype for Business 与 Teams 协作Skype for Business Teams OnlyTeams Skype for Business 与 Teams 协作和会议Teams 此外,对于使用本机 Microsoft 同步技术的用户,日历事件中提供了 Teams 加入按钮。 此预配使加入 Teams 会议变得容易,并且可用于所有共存模式。 不使用本机Microsoft同步技术的...