登录Outlook.com、Hotmail.com、MSN.com 或 Live.com 帐户。下载免费的桌面和移动应用,在一个位置关联你的所有电子邮件帐户(包括 Gmail、Yahoo 和 iCloud)。
If messages aren't sorted the way you like, you can move them and set where to deliver future messages from that sender. Select theFocusedorOthertab. Right-click the message you want to move and selectMove to OtherorMove to Focused. To turn the Focused Inbox on or off: SelectView>Show...
Note that you'll need administrator privileges to allow the exemption. Once allowed, you shouldn't be prompted for an exemption when you sideload Office Add-ins in the future (unless you remove the exemption from your machine). To learn more, see "We can't open this add-in from ...
What else do I need to know about working offline in new Outlook? The following aren't currently available offline, but we plan to include in future updates: Create, delete, and move folders (rolling out) RSVP to meeting invitations (rolling out) Search for emails (in development) View and...
2. At the top right corner of the message pane, select Reply or Reply all. 在消息窗的右上角,选择回复 或回复全部 。 Note: "Reply"will send a responseonly to the senderof the email, "Reply All"will includeeveryone on the emailin the response. ...
If messages aren't sorted the way you like, you can move them and set where to deliver future messages from that sender. Select the Focused or Other tab. Right-click the message you want to move and select Move to Other or Move to Focused. To turn the Focused Inbox on or off: ...
Part 1: Create a new template with attachments in Outlook Part 2: Apply this template in future in Outlook Step 1: Create a new email message: In Outlook 2007, please click theFile>New>Mail Message. In Outlook 2010 and 2013, please click theNew Emailbutton on theHometab. ...
In the mail list, press Ctrl + A to select all the found emails. Step 3: Forward as Attachments Go to Home > Forward. A new email will open with all the selected emails attached as attachments. Compose your message and send it.Drawbacks...
Note that you'll need administrator privileges to allow the exemption. Once allowed, you shouldn't be prompted for an exemption when you sideload Office Add-ins in the future (unless you remove the exemption from your machine). To learn more, see "We can't open this add-in from ...
We're re-evaluating this feature and may reintroduce it in the future. Can no longer add same calendar multiple times Previously, it was possible to add the same shared calendar multiple times by adding it to different calendar groups. This is no longer supported...