Outlook 能讓您將所有電子郵件帳戶和行事曆集中在一個方便的位置。無論是要掌握收件匣資訊或是排程下一個重要工作,我們都能讓您輕鬆提高生產力、整理內容以及與他人聯繫。 以下是您會愛上 iOS 版 Outlook 的理由: - 使用智慧型收件匣讓您專注於正確的事物上 - 我們能協
Instant Search is not case sensitive. This will NOT find items containing abcBOBdef, or 123bob. bob moore Items containing bob, along with all of the variations listed in the previous row, or moore, along with any other words that contain moore, but not necessarily in that order. bobby...
When searching a property, use double quotation marks (" ") if the search value consists of multiple words. For example,subject:budget Q1returns messages that containbudgetin the in the subject line andQ1anywhere in the message or in any of the message properties. Usingsubject:"budget...
Search multiple words in Outlook to find emails containing all specified terms. Use advanced search techniques for more precise email retrieval.
Additionally, when you enter a key words search query, we’ll provide Search Suggestions that will continue to change and update as you type more letters. Our plan is to gradually add suggestions such as emails, calendar events, files and commands as potential matches. ...
Top Count $top integer Total number of entries to retrieve (default = all). Skip Count $skip integer The number of entries to skip (default = 0). Search search string Search text for matching event body and subject Returns Entity list response Body EntityListResponse[CalendarEventClientReceive...
Outlook cannot perform your search. Instant search encountered a problem while trying to display search results. Modifying your query may resolve this problem Outlook cannot return result and show "we couldn't find what you were looking for"when search Outlook Categories Disappear Outlook categories ...
Search Query searchQuery string Search query to filter emails. How to use '$search' parameter please refer to: https://docs.microsoft.com/graph/query-parameters#search-parameter. Top top integer Number of emails to retrieve (default: 10, max: 25). Returns Represents a wrapper object for ...
When searching a property, use double quotation marks (" ") if the search value consists of multiple words. For example, subject:budget Q1 returns messages that contain budget in the in the subject line and Q1 anywhere in the message or in any of the message properties....
Search Query searchQuery string Search query to filter emails. How to use '$search' parameter please refer to: https://docs.microsoft.com/graph/query-parameters#search-parameter. Top top integer Number of emails to retrieve (default: 10, max: 25). Returns Represents a wrapper object for ...