作为Microsoft 365 管理员,您可以允许用户在其移动设备上登录到 Outlook for Android 或 iOS 应用,而无需输入其用户名和密码。 通过扫描 QR 代码,用户可以安全地进行身份验证并登录到 Outlook 移动版。 在Outlook 网页版 或 Outlook 桌面应用中,用户现在有一个标记为 Outlook mobile 的按钮。 用户选择按钮后,将显...
As the Microsoft 365 administrator, you can allow your users to sign in to the Outlook for Android or iOS app on their mobile devices without having to enter their username and password. By scanning a QR code, users can securely authenticate and sign in to Outlook mobile....
See the section Set up work or school accounts that have additional requirements below for specific instructions. If you need to download the Outlook for iOS app, you can use the following QR Code: Or download the iOS app from the app store. Setup Outlook for iOS for the first ti...
Set the Redirect URI to http://localhost and configure it for mobile and desktop applications Enable Allow public client flows to make Integrated Windows Authentication (SSO) work for Entra ID joined devices In Set-OutlookSignature, use .\config\default graph config.ps1 as a template for a cust...
Outlook users will be provided the opportunity to send themselves a text message to download Outlook mobile from the app stores and when they open the app, they can scan a QR code from their large screen which will securely transfer their Microsoft credentials from Outlook...
done, users will need to open the Outlook mobile app and go to "Add account" to scan the QR code and add their Microsoft 365 for work or school accounts (Feature ID:406169). This way, it eliminates the need to manually type in your account information and password over and over again...
Shifts for Microsoft Teams ShipStation IP (獨立發行者) Shop (獨立發行者) Shopify (獨立發行者) Shopranos Short URL ShortySMS (獨立發行者) Showcase Workshop SHRTCODE (獨立發行者) Sigma Conso CR SignatureAPI Signi.com SigningHub SIGNL4 - Mobile Alerting SignNow SignRequest SignUpGenius (獨立發行...
Shifts for Microsoft Teams ShipStation IP (Independent Publisher) Shop (Independent Publisher) Shopify (Independent Publisher) Shopranos Short URL ShortySMS (Independent Publisher) Showcase Workshop SHRTCODE (Independent Publisher) Sigma Conso CR SignatureAPI Signi.com SigningHub SIGNL4 - Mobile Alerting...
einen lokalen Exchange-Server haben, der für Standardauthentifizierung konfiguriert wurde, oder wenn Ihr Unternehmen die mobile App-Verwaltung zum Schutz der App verlangt. Spezifische Anweisungen finden Sie im AbschnittEinrichten von Geschäfts-, Schul- oder Unikonten mit zusätzlichen Anforde...
admin. For example, if you have a company-managed device, an on-premises Exchange server configured for basic authentication, or your company requires mobile app management for app protection. See the sectionSet up work or school accounts that have additional requirementsbelow for specif...