如果尝试将 Outlook.com 帐户添加到 Outlook 或其他邮件应用,可能需要 POP、IMAP 或 SMTP 设置。 可以在下面找到它们,也可以在Outlook.com 设置中查看它们。 Outlook 和 Outlook.com 可能能够自动检测帐户的邮箱设置,但对于其他非Microsoft帐户,可能需要联系电子邮件提供商了解其设置。
在Outlook for Android 中设置 POP 或 IMAP 帐户 在Outlook for Android 中,转到“设置”>“添加帐户”>“添加电子邮件帐户”。 输入电子邮件地址。 点击“继续”。 当系统要求选择电子邮件提供商时,请选择“IMAP”或“POP3”。 打开“高级设置”并输入密码和服务器设置。
Outlook.com POP Mail Server Settings When you add the outlook.com account to Outlook 2013, on the first screen make sure you select “Manual setup or additional server types”. On the next screen, choose “POP or IMAP” and enter the following Outlook.com mail server settings in the Server...
Outlook.com POP Mail Server Settings When you add the outlook.com account to Outlook 2013, on the first screen make sure you select “Manual setup or additional server types”. On the next screen, choose “POP or IMAP” and enter the following Outlook.com mail server settings in the Server...
The incoming mail server for a POP account may also be called the POP, or POP3, server. For example, if your email provider isexample.com, the incoming mail server is likelypop3.example.com. Override default port To be able to edit the port number that follow...
For steps on how to use these settings to set up an initial account or add more accounts in the Outlook for Mac Accounts box, see Add an email account to Outlook. Use the information in the table below to understand or adjust the settings for your POP e...
Server: pop-mail.outlook.com SSL: true-implicit Port: 995 (default) User: pat@outlook.com POP access must be turned on via web interface. In the web interface click “gear icon” in the top, right corner, then select “Options”. Depending on the UI version: On the options pane cli...
On this page you find theRunboxmail settings forOutlook. Follow the step-by-step Outlook guide or use the settings overview with the imap and pop3 server email settings for Runbox. Mail settings Runbox POP / IMAPimap Incoming servermail.runbox.com ...
Use same settings as incoming mail server ForIncoming POP3 server(Requires SSL) pop.gmail.com Port: 995 Requires SSL:Yes Some email clients may already have preset configurations for Gmail and if that’s the case, you wouldn’t need to enter any of these information. ...
You can always login to your Hotmail account from a web browser, but the mail server settings let you to check your messages from an email program as well. As one of the largest webmail providers in the world, Outlook.com is supported "out of the box" in many cases; behind-the-scenes...