转到“通知”。 请确保 Outlook 在“包括”部分中列出。 点击“Outlook”。 若要在 Watch 上接收振动反馈,请确保Sounds为打开状态,并且选择通知样式为横幅或通知。 转到iPhone 上的 Watch 应用 转到“通知” 请确保 Outlook 应用的“镜像 iPhone 警报来源” 为“开启”。
前往通知。 確認包含區段中列出 Outlook。 點選Outlook。 若要在 [監看] 上收到觸覺回饋技術的意見反應,請確認已開啟音效,並已選取通知的橫幅或警示樣式。 前往您的 iPhone 上的 [監看] 應用程式。 前往[通知] 請確認 Outlook 應用程式已開啟鏡像 iPhone 版警報 ...
How do I get Outlook notifications to show up on my Apple Watch? Applies ToOutlook for iOS Go to the Settings app on your iPhone. Go to Notifications. Make sure that Outlook is listed in the Include section. Tap on Outlook. To receive haptic feedback ...
Toggle Show App on Apple Watch to ON to re-install on Watch Launch Outlook app on Apple Watch and wait for data to sync to latest Or Press and hold the side button on the Apple Watch Slide to Power Off the Watch Press and hold the side...
iPhone iPad Apple Watch Description Outlook lets you bring all your email accounts and calendars in one convenient spot. Whether it’s staying on top of your inbox or scheduling the next big thing, we make it easy to be your most productive, organised and connected self. Here's what you'...
Applewatch3 outlook complication does not work after 8.7.1 update Applewatch3 8.7.1 updated today (22.09.19) Outlook complication disappered on my iphone watch app Outlook complication is still on my watch, but it does not work anymore Is there anyone who can solve this problem? Apple Wat...
i can't open encrypted outlook e-mail on my apple watch (on iPhone i can open it), can someone help me what i have to do to open encrypted email on my apple watch?Apple Watch Posted on Oct 21, 2020 9:46 AM Me too Reply
Come si visualizzano le notifiche di Outlook nell'Apple Watch? Applies To Outlook per iOS Vai alleimpostazionidell’app sull'iPhone. Vai anotifiche. Assicurati che Outlook sia elencato nella sezioneInclude. ToccaOutlook. Per ricevere un feedback aptico su Watch,...
and downloaded Outlook for iOS, you can get your important emails and calendar events at a glance when Outlook is toggled ON in your Apple Watch app. Outlook on the Apple Watch is available today making it easy to see where your meeting is and what it’s about and or who sent you emai...
Wechseln Sie auf Ihrem iPhone zur App „Watch“ Wechseln Sie zu Benachrichtigungen Stellen Sie sicher, dass die OptionSpiegeln der iPhone-Benachrichtigungen vonfür die Outlook-AppAKTIVIERTist Hinweis:Sie können die Einstellungen für „Töne und Hapt...