如您使用 Microsoft 365 與 Exchange Online,請參閱Microsoft 365 共用行事曆。 如您使用 Microsoft Exchange Server,請針對您的 Outlook 電子郵件用戶端參閱適用文章: Outlook Windows 版:與其他人共用 Outlook 行事曆 Outlook 網頁版:在商務專用 Outlook 網頁版共用您的行事曆 Outlook Mac 版:Outlook Mac 版委派...
在打开的窗口中,选择所需的发布选项,然后单击“开始发布”。 如果正在使用 Microsoft 365 ,仍然可以将日历发布到 WebDAV 服务器,但必须先从共享策略中删除 {Anonymous:CalendarSharingFreeBusySimple}。 但是,这将使你以后无法再将日历发布到 Exchange。 在“位置”框中,输入 WebDAV 服务器的位置,选择所需的任何其...
与他人共享 Outlook 日历作为仅视图 如果您在 Outlook 中使用工作或学校帐户或个人帐户,则可以向其他用户发送共享邀请,以便他们可从其自己的Outlook 日历列表中查看您的日历。 日历共享不限于在所有 Outlook 配置文件中创建的默认日历文件夹。 你可以创建其他日历文件夹...
OfficeCalendar Online provides the functionality to view add and/or modify your personal and shared Outlook calendar, contact and task folders via the web, from anywhere at any time. Wirelessly sync your iPhone, Android and BlackBerry mobile devices ...
No, the family group calendar only appears in Outlook.com and Outlook mobile. What happened to the old shared family calendar? The old version of the calendar was recently retired in an upgrade to a new version that allows users to send invites and works better with the new...
in my Outlook for Mac app I’m able to see all my calendars even the shared ones. When I connect my Exchange account with the calendar app of macOS, only my calendars and not the shared ones are visible. For iOS everything works fine. I already tried to delete the account and add ...
继续到 Outlook 没有帐户?创建一个! 无法访问您的帐户? 登录选项
The Outlook app for iOS and Android is designed as the best way to experience Microsoft 365 or Office 365 on your mobile device by using Microsoft services to help find, plan, and prioritize your daily life and work. Outlook provides the security, privacy, and support you need while protecti...
Please check the Permission settings on the shared calendar by opening the Shared Mailbox in Outlook, right-clicking on the Calendar folder and selecting Permissions. What are these set to? For more information take a look at this article (note this also applies to Outlook 2010): http://...
或者,他们可以委派一个日历,让另一个客户代表他们响应会议请求。 通过编程方式,虽然无法代表用户启动共享或委派操作,但可以使用一组属性来验证共享状态并启用有关共享或委派日历的应用场景:canEdit、canShare、canViewPrivateItems、isShared和isSharedWithMe。