如果邮件外部路由到其他邮件系统,则设置注册表中的MaxMessageSize参数值,以配置 SendConnector。 如果邮件在同一 Exchange 组织中的两个用户之间路由,并且如果这两个用户均位于两个不同的 Active Directory 站点,请更改 Active Directory 站点链接上的 MaxMessageSize 参数。
x-bce-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cw_600%2Ch_800%2Climit_1%2Fquality%2Cq_85%2Fformat%2Cf_auto"esrc="https://iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/faedab64034f78f0ab37224c74310a55b3191c54"/> 4.进入“Internet电子邮件设置”界面。/iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/738b4710b912c8fcf33f4...
当退信内容中出现关键词Over quota,account is exceeding their quota,hard limit,storage allocation,user is forbided,mailbox has exceeds limits等等 收件人已经没有足够的邮箱空间来接收您的邮件,空间满了。 • 3 。退信错误标志554.5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size 端口:25。。。错误号...
退信包含:mailbox is full/Quota exceed the hard limit for user/mail box space not enough 出错原因:接收方的邮箱已满,没有足够的空间来接收新的邮件。 解决方法:用其它方式通过对方及时的清理出足够的空间来接收这封邮件。3、超过了对方邮件服务商规定的一封邮件大小的限制 退信包含:552 Message size exceeds ...
and you may want to limit the total attachment size in email messages that you send. The sample code in this topic demonstrates how you can handle theItemSendevent in an Outlook add-in, and in the event handler, cancel the sending of the email message if the combined size of all ...
Outlook Error Message: Cannot perform the required operation. The command selected is not valid for this recipient. Cannot add recipient to contact. Outlook Error: Your mailbox has reached its maximum size limit Outlook favorite inbox just contians one account inbox emails Outlook favorites disappear...
When you add a large attachment to an email message in Microsoft Office Outlook 2010, you receive the following error message: The attachment size exceeds the allowable limit. Cause This problem occurs for one of the following reasons, depending on the kind of email account that you are using...
The attachment size limit for OneDrive files is 2GB. Read more about how to Attach files in Outlook.com. How can I increase sending limits? As well as taking a Microsoft 365 subscription, try these tips: Make sure that all your information (like phone number and alternate email address) ...
2。当退信内容中出现关键词Over quota,account is exceeding their quota,hard limit,storage allocation,user is forbided,mailbox has exceeds limits等等收件人已经没有足够的邮箱空间来接收您的邮件,空间满了。 3。退信错误标志554.5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size端口:25。。。错误号:0x800...
When you add a large attachment to an email message in Microsoft Office Outlook 2010, you receive the following error message: The attachment size exceeds the allowable limit. Cause This problem occurs for one of the following reasons, depending on the kind of email account that you are using...