当退信内容中出现关键词Over quota,account is exceeding their quota,hard limit,storage allocation,user is forbided,mailbox has exceeds limits等等 收件人已经没有足够的邮箱空间来接收您的邮件,空间满了。 • 3 。退信错误标志554.5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size 端口:25。。。错误号...
When you add a large attachment to an email message in Microsoft Office Outlook 2010, you receive the following error message: The attachment size exceeds the allowable limit. Cause This problem occurs for one of the following reasons, depending on the kind of email account that you are using....
Symptoms When you add a large attachment to an email message in Microsoft Office Outlook 2010, you receive the following error message: The attachment size exceeds the allowable limit. Cause This problem occurs for one of the following reasons, depending on the kind of email account that you ar...
3。退信错误标志554.5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size端口:25。。。错误号:0x800ccc6F发件人的邮件过大导致接收人的邮件系统服务商拒收邮件。(一般服务器都对单封邮件的大小限制的)解决方法:用户可以把过大的邮件附件使用outlook Express的邮件分拆功能进行分拆发送或把邮件压缩后再尝试发送。
您可以使用 Microsoft Mac 版 Outlook 2016 或 Mac 版 Outlook 2011 連線到 Microsoft Exchange Server 上的信箱。 當您傳送包含大型附件的電子郵件訊息時,您會在 Mac 版 Outlook 中收到下列錯誤訊息。 主控台 Error: Outlook cannot send the message <subject> because the message size exceeds the maxi...
數值名稱:MaximumAttachmentSize 數值資料:指定附件大小總計上限的整數。 例如,指定 30720 (十進位) 可設定 30-MB 限制。 注意 如果不要設定附件限制,請指定值為零 (0)。 如果要設定低於預設 20 MB 的限制,請指定低於 20 MB 的值。 結束[登錄編輯程式]。
出错原因:接收方的邮箱已满,没有足够的空间来接收新的邮件。 解决方法:用其它方式通过对方及时的清理出足够的空间来接收这封邮件。 3、超过了对方邮件服务商规定的一封邮件大小的限制 退信包含:552 Message size exceeds fixed limit 出错原因:这封邮件太大了,超过了对方的邮件服务商针对一封邮件大小的限制。
When you add a large attachment to an email message in Microsoft Office Outlook 2010, you receive the following error message: The attachment size exceeds the allowable limit. Cause This problem occurs for one of the following reasons, depending on the kind of email account that you are using...
When you add a large attachment to an email message in Microsoft Office Outlook 2010, you receive the following error message: The attachment size exceeds the allowable limit. Cause This problem occurs for one of the following reasons, depending on the kind of email account that you are using...