在下列表格中,MaxLargeFileSize 登錄項目和 WarnLargeFileSize 登錄項目是參照 UNICODE 格式 (新的大格式) 的檔案,而 MaxFileSize 登錄項目和 WarnFileSize 登錄項目則是參照 ANSI 格式 (較早的 Microsoft Outlook 格式) 的檔案。 UNICODE 值是以遞增的百萬位元組 (MB) 而設定,而 ANSI 值則是以遞...
在下表中,MaxLargeFileSize注册表项和WarnLargeFileSize注册表项指的是UNICODE格式(新的Large格式)文件;MaxFileSize注册表项和WarnFileSize注册表项指的是ANSI格式(早期的MicrosoftOutlook格式)文件。UNICODE值是以兆字节(MB)增量设置的,而ANSI值是以字节增量设置的。 请执行下列步骤配置.pst和.ost文件的大小限制。
You'll receive an error message if you attempt to attach files larger than the maximum size limit. There are a few ways to work around this size limit, including using a file sharing service or compressing the file. Outlook limits the size of files you can s...
Value name:MaximumAttachmentSize Value data: An integer that specifies the total maximum allowable attachment size. For example, specify 30720 (Decimal) to configure a 30-MB limit. Notes Specify a value of zero (0) if you want to configure no limit for attachments. Specify a value that is ...
Be aware that if you are using an Exchange Server account, the new 20-MB attachment limit for Internet email accounts is not used by Outlook 2010. Instead, Outlook uses the limit that is configured on your Exchange server. To modify the setting that is used to control the size of a mess...
Be aware that if you are using an Exchange Server account, the new 20-MB attachment limit for Internet email accounts is not used by Outlook 2010. Instead, Outlook uses the limit that is configured on your Exchange server. To modify the setting that is used to control the size of a mess...
The attachment was about 8 MB in size. I deleted these but it had no effect on the frequency of the error message appearing.The way the error is worded would make one believe it is a problem with that user's mailbox size but clearly that is not the issue. Can anyone give any ...
The size of the photo must be less than 4 MB.Create contact (V2)Operation ID: ContactPostItem_V2 This operation creates a new contact in a contacts folder. Parameters Expand table NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Folder id folder True string Select a contacts folder Id id string The contact'...
When you’re trying to send a file attachment in Outlook, you have two deal with two file attachment limits: the max limit enforced by your recipient’s mail server and the max attachment limit enforced by Outlook. Outlook limits you to maximum 20 Mb per email attachments (no matter if it...