您可以在 Outlook 日历中轻松将时间标记为 “忙碌”或“ 外出”。 但是,如果不使用 Microsoft 365 并且未启用日历共享,但确实需要让时间远离对同事更可见,该怎么办? 本文介绍如何向同事的日历添加自定义的全天会议请求,而不会影响其日历上的可用空闲时间。 若要了解与他人共享日历的各种方式,...
You can easily mark time asBusyorOut of officein your Outlook calendar. But what if you don’t use Microsoft 365 and you don’t have calendar sharing enabled, but you do need to make your time away from more visible to your colleagues? This article exp...
用戶嘗試從 Outlook Web App Microsoft 或 Microsoft Outlook 編輯行事曆專案。 在此案例中,使用者會收到下列錯誤訊息: 無法更新下列事件: <EventName> 原因 發生此問題的原因是 Versions 資料夾 (屬於 [可復原的專案] 資料夾的一部分) 已滿。 注意 ...
That is why Microsoft Outlook has an out-of-office automatic replies feature. This feature allows you to customize a message that is automatically sent when someone emails you during your out-of-office time. Not only can you instantly let people know you’re away from your email, but you c...
适用于具有 @outlook.com、@hotmail.com、@live.com 或 @msn.com 帐户的客户的功能。 [3] 可通过 Microsoft 365 订阅获得。 [4] 邮箱存储包括 Outlook.com 电子邮件、附件、日历项目和联系人。单击此处了解详细信息。 [5] 1 个月免费试用结束后,将向你收取适当的订阅费用。需要提供信用卡。可随时取消以避免...
開啟瀏覽器並瀏覽至 URL Outlook (https://outlook.office.com)。 使用公司或學校帳戶登入。選取[新增郵件] 按鈕以建立新郵件。在新郵件區段中,於新郵件底端具有 [傳送] [捨棄] 按鈕的相同頁尾上找到 ... 按鈕。選取[取得增益集] 功能表項目。在[Outlook 的增益集] 上,從左側功能表選取 [我的增益集]。
MarkForDownload Returns or sets an OlRemoteStatus constant that determines the status of an item once it is received by a remote user. Read/write. (Inherited from _MailItem) MessageClass Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the message class for the Outlook item. Read/...
Office 2007 has been Released To Manufacturing!I am happy to announce that on Friday, November 3 the 2007 Microsoft Office system was released to...Date: 11/17/2006Don't Delete: Mark it CompleteI have heard of a few instances where people love the To-Do Bar, but can't figure out ...
Namespace: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.dll Represents a meeting, a one-time appointment, or a recurring appointment or meeting in the Calendar folder.C# Copy [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Guid("00063033-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")] public ...