在邮件系统中投递对 ExchangeDistributionList 对象的更改。语法表达式。更新 (MakePermanent、 刷新) 表达 一个代表 ExchangeDistributionList 对象的变量。参数展开表 名称必需/可选数据类型说明 MakePermanent 可选 Variant True的值表明刷新属性缓存,并将所有更改都提交到基本通讯簿中。 False的值表明刷新属性缓存,但...
Distribution List的取名通常就用职务或组织名。因为就商务而言,人会变,职务和组织名通常不变,而发邮件通常是发给该职务或组织,而不是某个人。Distribution List可用上层Distribution List嵌套下层Distribution List,一层层嵌套下去,我在上段文字中用的Distribution List就是我用的一个最高层次的Distributio...
How to Create a Distribution List in Outlook 1.Open Outlook and select the sm all arrow next to "New".2.Select "Distribution List".3.Once you select Distribution List, a window will open up allowing you to create a nam e for your list/group and you will also be able to add m ...
6.Make sure the Entire Directory is showing where it says In: 7.Type in the name of the distribution list that you want to update and clickFind Now. After the name pops up under Search Results, double-click on it to open properties. 8.On the General screen that pops up you can add...
Step 5.)Type a name for the shortcut and clickFinish. Step 6.)Next click on the shortcut Step 7.)Make sure Entire Directory is showing where it saysIn: Step 8.)Then key in the name of the distribution list that you want to update. After the name pops up underSearchResults, double...
ExchangeDistributionList 是AddressEntry ,一个派生的类,并对 AddressEntry 的调用方执行 QueryInterface 时返回而不是 AddressEntry。AddressEntry.Members属性支持通讯组列表的枚举成员。 ExchangeDistributionList 将添加 别名、 注释 和PrimarySmtpAddress 一类的属性。 您还可以访问其他不会通过 PropertyAccessor 对象的...
Outlook) (ExchangeDistributionList.Delete 方法 Learn 登录 本文原文为英文,已针对你所在市场进行了翻译。 你对所用语言的质量的满意度如何? Conflicts 对象 ContactItem 对象 ContactsModule 对象 Conversation 对象 ConversationHeader 对象 DistListItem 对象
TaskRequestUpdateItem 物件 TasksModule 物件 TextRuleCondition 物件 TimeZone 物件 TimeZones 物件 ToOrFromRuleCondition 物件 UserDefinedProperties 物件 UserDefinedProperty 物件 UserProperties 物件 UserProperty 物件 View 物件 ViewField 物件 ViewFields 物件 ...
A contact list, also known as a distribution group, is a grouping of email addresses collected under one name. A message sent to a contact list goes to all recipients listed in the list. You can include contact lists in messages, meeting requests, and in ...
"This add-in caused Outlook to start slowly." Is there a way to extend the acceptable add-in load time for Outlook as there is for IE? "Unknown Error" when trying to export old emails to a PST "Update Now" button not updating Contact List in Outlook 2016 & Office 365 "You are not...