替换为新邮件:选择此选项可以在撤回的同时发送一封新邮件。 步骤四:确认撤回 (Step 4: Confirm the Recall) 选择完撤回方式后,点击“确定”按钮。 Outlook 将尝试撤回邮件,并会在后台处理请求。 步骤五:查看撤回结果 (Step 5: Check the Recall Status) 撤回请求处理后,用户将收到一封通知邮件,告知撤回是否成功。
步骤一:打开已发送邮件(Step 1: Open the Sent Email) 首先,您需要找到您想要撤回的邮件。请按照以下步骤操作: 打开Outlook客户端。 在左侧导航栏中,点击“已发送邮件”(Sent Items)文件夹。 找到您希望撤回的邮件,并双击打开。 步骤二:选择撤回邮件(Step 2: Select Recall This Message) 打开邮件后,您需要找到...
If all of those parameters apply to you and your recipient, you’ll be able to recall a message in Outlook. Since you may often need to email someone outside your organization or if you have a private Outlook account, there are other tricks we’re going to show you. Stick with us to...
How to recall an email in Outlook to Gmail? To recall an email sent to Gmail in Outlook, first open the Sent Folder and locate the message you want to recall. Right-click on it and select “Recall This Message” from the menu. You'll then need to select whether you want to replace...
如果你使用的是 Microsoft Outlook 应用或 Outlook.com,并且你和你的收件人都在同一组织中Microsoft Exchange 或 Microsoft 365,则可以撤回或替换你发送的电子邮件。 如果你使用的是新的 Outlook,请在此处了解如何召回邮件。 重要:但如果帐户是 MAPI 或 POP 帐户,撤回将不起作用。
Find out how to recall an email in Outlook in under a minute. Follow our guide to stop the email before it’s fully sent. Act fast!
If you're currently hyperventilating over an email you just sent, here's a quick rundown on how to recall an email in Outlook. Find the email in your Sent folder. Under the three dots (...) menu, click Recall message. Verify the information, and click Confirm. One big caveat: while...
Applies To Microsoft 365 专属 OutlookOutlook 2024Outlook 2021Outlook 2019Outlook 2016Office 商业版Outlook 网页版Outlook.comiPhone 版我的 Office新的 Outlook for WindowsOffice.com 邮件召回在选择“”后可用,并且仅当你和收件人在同一组织中具有 Microsoft 365 工作或学校电子邮件帐户时,才可用。 无法召回发送到...
Part 5. How to Know If the Recall Is Done Can You Unsend an Email? Here are 2 simple rules you should ALWAYS follow when sending emails: One, please proofread your emails. And two, NEVER send an email when you're angry. Why do you ask? Because you'll regret your actions afterward....
How to recall and resend an email in Outlook on a PC 1. Go to the "Sent Items" tab in your inbox Before you send anything out, go to your inbox. At the very left side of the screen, click on the tab labeled "Sent Items." Then, select the email you want to recall. It should...