10 months, for a total of 12 months. Outlook uses data from the Calendar to dynamically generate a local copy of free/busy data. Outlook does not read free/busy data as a stream of data from the Schedule+ Free/Busy public folder (system folder), nor does it use...
Outlook:将日历显示为忙碌,空闲,暂定和不在办公室 作为Microsoft Outlook中的交换用户,您可以设置其他人查看忙/闲信息的权限在您的日历中。 因此,其他用户可以腾出空闲时间来参加小组会议,例如会议。 除了查看忙/闲信息的权限外,您还需要将约会标记为忙,忙或其他。 本文将指导您在Microsoft Outlook中将日历中的约会显...
本文將指導您在Microsoft Outlook中將日曆中的約會顯示為忙,閒,暫定或不在辦公室。 以下步驟將指導您將約會顯示為忙碌,空閒,暫定或不在辦公室。 步驟1:建立新約會: 在Outlook 2010和2013中,請點擊新產品>聯繫我們主頁標籤; 在Outlook 207中,請點擊文件>全新>聯繫我們. 步驟2:在“約會”窗口中,單擊顯示為:盒子...
在Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 和 Exchange Server 2013 共存環境中,Outlook 用戶端可能無法設定辦公室或檢視空閒或忙碌的資訊。 具體而言,用戶端可能會遇到下列徵兆: 當您嘗試排程會議時,不會顯示出席者的空閒或忙碌時間。 只有出席者會顯示哈希標記。 當您嘗試設定辦公室外時,出席者可能會收到下列錯誤...
In this situation, the user cannot open the items in the calendar by using Outlook. Additionally, the user receives the following error message: Cannot open the free/busy information. You do not have sufficient permission to perform...
When the delegate views or accepts the meeting request on behalf of the meeting owner, the information that is contained in the delegate's meeting request does not have all the required information to populate all the recipients...
To show new appointments as free/busy/tentative by default in Outlook, you need to create an appointment form which shows time as free/busy/tentative, and then replace the default appointment form in your Outlook. 1. Open the specified calendar, and clickHome>New Appointmentto create a new ...
It should not be used for purposes of developing applications that utilize free/busy information. Download this white paper as a Microsoft Office Word document (.doc). Free/Busy Architecture in Outlook and Exchange (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=136470)...
登录Outlook.com、Hotmail.com、MSN.com 或 Live.com 帐户。下载免费的桌面和移动应用,在一个位置关联你的所有电子邮件帐户(包括 Gmail、Yahoo 和 iCloud)。
此Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 示例使用 FreeBusy 方法返回的字符串的忙/闲信息有一个字符的每一天。 本示例允许不能访问此收件人的忙/闲信息的可能性。 若要运行此示例,您需要使用有效的收件人姓名替换 Nate Sun。VB 复制 Public Sub GetFreeBusyInfo() Dim myNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace Dim ...