原文链接:Re: How do I change the alert sounds in Outlook for Mac? 折腾macbook M1 pro继续,因为工作本么,自然是邮件需要提醒功能,不然邮件没有及时处理,老板怒了,吃饭的家伙就保不住了。于是按照惯例开始设置工作邮件Outlook的提示音。 结果,我的那个怪怪,居然设置了Outlook的提示音:Preferences -> Notificat...
关闭或更改OutlookforMac中的通知和声音.当您收到新电子邮件时,Outlook可以通过在桌面上显示提醒或在Dock中弹出Outlook图标来通知您。此外,Outlook还可以播放声音来通知您有新邮件、事件提醒等。Outlook使用一组默认声音,但Internet上的第三方提供了其他声音 软件下载地址: http://pan.baidu.swj.wang/ms/outlook 注意1...
Macbookpro/air中怎样设置microsoftoutlook 以163邮箱为例: 第一步打开microsoftoutlook: 图1 第二步点击图1中的电子邮箱帐户选项得到图2如下: 图2 第三步在图2中输出自己的帐号和密码,然后点击添加帐户得到图3: 图3 第四步点击图3中的更多选项得到图4: 图4 第五步点击验证选项框选择图5所示选项并点击确定:...
System They are running is a MAcBook Pro M2. running Ventura 13.5 and Office 2021 for Mac with Automatic Updates On and set for Current (beta). All has been done since August 3. A week ago. Please help as end-user is very frustrated....
outlook stopped synching on my macbook pro after upgrading to Sequoia 15.0.1 Outlook for mac was happily synchronising email accounts up until this upgrade to Sequoia. Since then I have had issues synchronising email accounts. I tried deleting the IMAP accounts and re-adding them. That seemed...
Microsoft ..软件介绍Microsoft Outlook 2019 for mac是微软推出的office 2019组件之一,outlook 2019 mac破解版是一款电子邮件和日历工具,可用于收发电子邮件、安排
After upgrading Office 365 on my Macbook, when I open Outlook it lasts 1 minute and then restarts. --- Thu mua...
2回复贴,共1页 <<返回macbookpro吧Macbookpro里outlook邮箱如何设置存在本地,老是提示邮箱已满! 只看楼主 收藏 回复傆地啭圈圈 Mac入门 3 有大神知道如何设置吗? 傆地啭圈圈 Mac入门 3 自顶 贴吧用户_719E2EV Mac初识 1 我也有同样的问题 你的解决了麽 ...
Hello, Ana here! Had an update to the MS Apps in my MacBook Pro this morning, and the feature of requesting Read Receipts - vital for my line of work - has disappeared. I can still use it in the 365 online app, but no longer in the Outlook App for Mac. Help?