Outlook for iOS 适用于 Microsoft Exchange、Office 365、Outlook.com(包括 Hotmail 和 MSN)、Gmail、Yahoo Mail 和 iCloud。 -- 要在应用内购买 Office 365 家庭版或个人版订阅,请打开应用、转到“设置”,再点击 Outlook.com 或 Hotmail.com 帐户旁边的“升级”。在美国,订阅起步价为每月 6.99 美元,具体价格...
A great email app for getting things done From out of seemingly nowhere, Microsoft created the best email app for iOS. Outlook for iOS is a simplified version of the powerful desktop version but that's a good thing. The app has the best features of Outlook and none of the fat. Simple ...
Outlook 讓您將所有電子郵件帳戶和行事曆放在一個方便的位置。無論是要掌握收件匣資訊或是排程下一個重要工作,我們都能讓您輕鬆提高生產力、整理內容以及與他人聯繫。 這裡是您會愛上 iOS 版 Outlook 的理由: - 使用智慧型收件匣讓您專注於正確的事物上 - 我們能協助您
Outlook 讓您將所有電子郵件帳戶和行事曆放在一個方便的位置。無論是要掌握收件匣資訊或是排程下一個重要工作,我們都能讓您輕鬆提高生產力、整理內容以及與他人聯繫。 這裡是您會愛上 iOS 版 Outlook 的理由: - 使用智慧型收件匣讓您專注於正確的事物上 - 我們能協助您
Microsoft released a new Office Insider build for iOS. Version 2.46 is available for those who have access to Office beta apps on TestFlight. The new features include new colorful themes, additional icons, and weather forecasts in Outlook. Weather forecast in Outlook is a familiar feature for ...
Outlook for AndroidOutlook for iOS With Outlook on your iOS or Android mobile device, you can: Organize your email to focus on the messages that matter most. Manage your calendar to schedule meetings and appointments. Share files from the cloud so everyone always has the latest ve...
Outlook for iOS and Android in the Government Cloud Exchange ActiveSync POP3 and IMAP4 Enable or disable authenticated client SMTP submission (SMTP AUTH) in Exchange Online MailTips Add-ins for Outlook Remote Connectivity Analyzer tests Client Access Rules ...
Outlook for iOS works with Microsoft Exchange, Office 365, Outlook.com (including Hotmail and MSN), Gmail, Yahoo Mail and iCloud. -- To make an in-app purchase of an Office 365 Home or Personal subscription, open the app, go to Settings and tap on Upgrade next to your Outlook.com or...
Outlook for AndroidOutlook for iOS With Outlook on your iOS or Android mobile device, you can: Organize your email to focus on the messages that matter most. Manage your calendar to schedule meetings and appointments. Share files from the cloud so everyone always has the latest ver...
Select your version of Outlook on the next screen, and follow the instructions to copy your local contacts to the Outlook.com account from Outlook Desktop on your PC. After you import your contacts to Outlook.com, simply add your Outlook.com account to Outlook for iOS or Android. ...