r-aertsaopymepcsto,iwvreedslype.erTcdthiivefferhlayyc.dtTiroohngeedhnaytadatr,oowmgehsnehraaetvogemrbeseehnna, vrreedmb,eobevlnuedere,fmaonrodvclegadriaftyor;s(pcblha)reTirtheyse; r(obebp)sreTerhsveeendt rMelgeoa,bsOsee,orvNfeb,doatnrhedlpeChaeseanteoothmf ybslo,atmrheisnppeheecanti...
Water 2017, 9, 410 6 of 15 3.2. Hydrologic Modeling WaUtern2d01e7r, 9t,h4e10WEAP hydrology module, the soil moisture method (which is the most sophis6toicf a15ted and widely accepted method) is used to estimate the different hydrological parameters for this stu(dFyig(uFriegu3r).e T3)...
Under SSP2,1t0hiosf t2r5end is expected to continue, with hardwood fuelwood representing nearly 90 percent of total fuelwood production globally. Figure 7. Global production of fuelwood by species type, SSP2, 2012 to 2015 historic, 2020 to 2070 Figpurroeje7c.tGiolnosbafrlopmroFdOuRctO...
26. Williams, C.F.; Reed, M.J.; Mariner, R.H. A Review of Methods Applied by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Assessment of Identified Geothermal Resources (01961497); United States Geological Survey (USGS): Reston, VA, USA, 2008. Available online: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2008/...
Precipitation seasons were lagged from the climate indices in one-month increments up to a lag of six months, so that a DJF index was related to January-February-March (JFM), February-March-April (FMA), MAM, April-May-June (AMJ), May-June-July (MJJ), and JJA precipitation; and a ...
Telheemsetnutdfayu[l3t 6d]eitnecvteiosnti.gated the TisjAvroneohiifnantesosobthrisrimn(atlFuigtfatOetdythmiRiyoenoJnap[f-)3dlewdi6onrbe]naaerositinnutavuhvdnriseeneeedsddgiatniintstgndooiadsmutittnechsaudtttelierllotretarnahfodianentcmoefievfroborituasohteuobsemrrrillryfoioartaplyoctooetstio...